About us

Onze visie: Iedere advocaat moet haar of zijn beroep vrij en onafhankelijk kunnen uitoefenen. Om mensen de juridische bijstand te geven waar ze recht op hebben. Om de rechtstaat te handhaven. En om mensenrechten te beschermen.

Wij zetten ons in voor een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur. Waar dan ook ter wereld. We verbinden advocaten in Nederland met vakgenoten die bedreigd of vervolgd worden vanwege hun werk. Waar de rechten en vrijheid van advocaten onder druk staan, komen wij in actie. Onafhankelijk: door advocaten voor advocaten.

Een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur is vastgelegd in de UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. De naleving van deze internationale afspraken is helaas lang niet altijd vanzelfsprekend. De Basic Principles zijn voor Lawyers for Lawyers het fundament van een werkende rechtsstaat. Ze zijn dan ook de leidraad in alles wat wij doen.

Met de inzet van advocaten in Nederland, steunen wij vakgenoten die bedreigd of vervolgd worden vanwege hun werk. Waar ook ter wereld. We werken met drie pijlers. Drie programma’s waarin Nederlandse advocaten met hun tijd, kennis en aandacht bijdragen aan een vrije en onafhankelijke advocatuur: Defend, Empower & Influence.



Latest news

19 juli 2024

Joint Submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of the Islamic Republic of Iran


On 16 July 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers, The Law Society of England and Wales (the Law Society) and Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) submitted a report for the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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18 juli 2024

Joint UPR submission on Egypt


On 16 July 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers, The Law Society of England and Wales, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) submitted a report for the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Egypt. The next UPR of Egypt will

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17 juli 2024

Trial monitoring mission for the hearing in the trial against lawyers from Ezilenlerin Hukuk Bürosu


From 1 July 2024 to 4 July 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers representatives visited Turkey on a trial monitoring mission for a hearing in the trial against the lawyers from EHB (Ezilenlerin Hukuk Bürosu, law firm of the oppressed). Lawyers for

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16 juli 2024

Statement on the alleged enforced disappearance of Egyptian lawyer Ahmed Kassem


Lawyers for Lawyers expresses concerns over the alleged enforced disappearance of Egyptian lawyer Ahmed Kassem since February 2024. According to the information received by Lawyers for Lawyers, Egyptian lawyer Ahmed Kassem was abducted from his home in Alexandria in August

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15 juli 2024

Joint oral statement on China to the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council


Lawyers for Lawyers and several other organisations cosigned an oral statement on the adoption of China’s 4th UPR report at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The statement was delivered during the Interactive Dialogue on the adoption

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10 juli 2024

Interview with Ugandan Environmental Lawyers Aryampa Brighton and Kato Tumusiime


Illustration: Joost Hölscher Aryampa Brighton is a Ugandan environmental lawyer and founder of the organization Youth for Green Communities. Kato Tumusiime is a lawyer at Youth for Green Communities and in  private practice, specializing in public interest litigation, environmental issues,

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9 juli 2024

Joint statement on the ninth anniversary of the 709 Crackdown


Today, 9 July 2024, marks the ninth anniversary of the ‘709 Crackdown’ on 9 July 2015, when over twenty lawyers, staffers, human rights defenders were arrested and nearly 300 lawyers and human rights defenders were summoned and questioned during the

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5 juli 2024

Turkey: International legal community condemns Turkey’s arrest of ÇHD-lawyers Naim Eminoğlu and Doğa İncesu


In a joint statement, the undersigned bar associations, law societies, and lawyers’ rights organizations – representing tens of thousands of lawyers from around the globe – condemn in the strongest possible terms the detention of Progressive Lawyers Association (“ÇHD”) lawyers

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