On 25 March 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Thailand. This review will take place in June 2021.
In the report, Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted that the Thai authorities do not always uphold the necessary guarantees for the proper functioning of the legal profession in practice, as set out in the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.
Lawyers for Lawyers expressed concern regarding various issues with upholding the effective guarantees for the functioning of lawyers. It was reported to Lawyers for Lawyers that lawyers in Thailand often experience difficulties with access to their clients in detention. Furthermore, Lawyers for Lawyers was informed that lawyer-client confidentiality is not always respected by members of the law enforcement agencies. Lawyers for Lawyers has also been informed by lawyers in Thailand that they are subjected to threats, intimidation, and improper interference or attempts to pressure them by members of the law enforcement agencies, or the military.
Lawyers for Lawyers furthermore highlighted that the Thai authorities do not always respect the freedom of expression and assembly of lawyers. Some lawyers in Thailand have faced disciplinary proceedings in connection to them exercising their right to freedom of expression and assembly. Moreover, other lawyers are subject of criminal investigations and prosecution in connection to their legitimate activities.
Finally, Lawyers for Lawyers was informed that the Lawyers Council of Thailand has not always provided adequate protections for Thai (human rights) lawyers, when their rights and privileges are not being respected. Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted that the Lawyers Council must take into account and respect international law and internationally recognized principles on the role of lawyers.
Lawyers for Lawyers has made multiple recommendations to the government of Thailand.