A Legal Analysis of Hong Kong’s New Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and What it Means for Lawyers

In cooperation with the Asian Lawyers Network and the 29 Principles, Lawyers for Lawyers has co-signed a joint report titled “A Legal Analysis of Hong Kong’s New Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and What it Means for Lawyers”. On March 19, 2024, Hong Kong’s Legislative Council passed the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO), which was signed […]
UN Special rapporteur condemns China’s targeting of human rights lawyers in letter to the government

The UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Margaret Satterthwaite, issued a detailed letter on February 14, 2024, addressing the People’s Republic of China about severe restrictions on human rights lawyers. Recently made public, this letter exposes systemic issues that severely impact the legal profession within China. Satterthwaite’s letter articulates deep concerns […]
The detention of Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife, activist Xu Yan

Lawyers for Lawyers and 29 other civil society organisations have issued a joint statement expressing their grave concern regarding the detention of human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife, activist Xu Yan. 13 April marks the first anniversary of the detention of human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife, activist Xu Yan. We, […]
Update on the ongoing legal proceedings against Claudia Gonzalez Orellana: a closer look

Claudia González Orellana Claudia González received the prestigious Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2023 for her work as a prominent human rights lawyer in Guatemala and her work as a former representative of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), an international body set up as part of an agreement between the United Nations and […]
Update UPR China & Hong Kong – L4L delegation in Geneva

On 23 January 2024, the session for the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China, including Hong Kong, was held at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Lawyers for Lawyers jointly submitted a report for this UPR and sent a delegation to the UPR pre-sessions that took place in November 2023 in Geneva. […]
Hong Kong’s new security laws: a crushing blow to freedom

The recent enactment of draconian security laws in Hong Kong has sent shockwaves throughout the international community. Human rights organisations and the United Nations have vehemently condemned these laws, recognising them as a serious erosion of the freedoms once promised to the people of Hong Kong. Following the enactment of Hong Kong’s National Security Law […]
HRC 55: UPR Outcome Colombia

On 22 March 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council. Lawyers for Lawyers raised grave concerns concerning the continuous violation of the rights of lawyers in Colombia. Lawyers for Lawyers had already submitted a UPR report for the UPR session of Colombia. The statement reads […]
HRC 55: UPR Outcome the Russian Federation

On 25 March 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, the Law Society of England and Wales, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, delivered an oral statement during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council. Lawyers for Lawyers raised grave concerns concerning the continuous violation of the rights of lawyers […]
HRC 55: Situation of lawyers in Belarus

On 19 March 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers, the Law Society of England and Wales, and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue on the interim oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and its aftermath. […]
UN Experts Call for Truth and Justice 20 years after Somchai Neelapaijit Enforced Disappearance

The 12th of March 2024 marks 20 years since the enforced disappearance of Thai Human Rights Lawyer, Somchai Neelapaijit. His fate is still unknown. Somchai went missing on the 12th of March 2004, only one day after he had publicly accused the police of torturing his clients. There were suspicions against 5 police officers but […]
Adil Meléndez Márquez Loses Security Detail Following Prestigious Award Win

On January 23, 2024, Colombian lawyer Adil José Meléndez Marquez was honored with the Sir Henry Brooke Award by the Alliance for Lawyers at Risk, following a nomination from Lawyers for Lawyers. This prestigious accolade recognizes legal practitioners or human rights defenders who have significantly contributed to the promotion, protection, and advancement of human rights […]
Report on Belarus: The Crisis of the Legal Profession Continued Repressions 2022 – 2023

In cooperation with the American Bar Association (ABA) and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), the Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights, Right to Defense, and Lawyers for Lawyers have prepared this report to summarize the ongoing worrying trend of suppression of the legal profession and individual lawyers in Belarus. It is a […]
Lawyers for Lawyers supports Arnon Nampa’s Defense and Bail Application to the Criminal Court

Lawyers for Lawyers has recently sent a letter to the Thai Criminal Court in support of the defense and bail application of Arnon Nampa, a renowned Thai human rights lawyer. The letter outlines the deep concerns regarding Nampa’s conviction, highlighting the substantial challenges he faces in both seeking justice and pursuing his legal profession. The letter […]
Tunisia – Release “Lawyers Under the Watch”

OMCT Joint Paper Addressing the Increasing Number of Prosecutions Against Lawyers in Tunisia Lawyers for Lawyers is pleased to announce the publication of a joint paper titled “Lawyers Under the Watch,” a comprehensive examination of the growing challenges legal professionals face in Tunisia. This collaborative effort between Lawyers for Lawyers, OMCT, Awledna, DAMJ, Généralisation Anti-Marginalisation […]
Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison

Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison On January 16, 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers received information from a trusted source that the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced Ms. Golaleh Vatandoust, a prominent Iranian human rights lawyer and renowned women’s rights advocate, to six […]
Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2024 – Iran

On 24 January 2024, the fourteenth edition of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer will take place. This year’s edition focuses on the extremely difficult situation of lawyers in Iran. Lawyers for Lawyers is co-organizing multiple events in the context of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer in the Netherlands. Since 2010 the Day of […]