Upcoming event: Join us for the Day of the Endangered Lawyer
24 January 2025 | 15:00-16:30 PM (CET) | Online (Zoom Registration) To mark the 2025 edition of the International Day of the Endangered Lawyers, which spotlights the persecution of lawyers in Belarus, Lawyers for Lawyers and partners are organising an online event on 24 January at 3:00-4:30 PM (CET). In the aftermath of the presidential […]
Bridging the Gaps in our Justice Systems: Lucas Servío’s Advocacy for LGBTQIA+ Rights in Brazil
Standing in Solidarity: empathy as the driving force behind Mr. Servío’s plight Lucas Servío is a lawyer and teacher from Brazil, initially specialising in governance and employment law, he currently focuses on intellectual property rights related to art and Artificial Intelligence. However, it is in his work as the vice-president of Brazilian Order of Lawyers’ […]
Call for the release of Kyrgyz lawyer Samat Mattsakov
In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society of England and Wales express grave concerned about the recent arrest and continued detention of lawyer Samat Mattsakov by Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for National Security (SCNS). The 38-year-old criminal defence lawyer is known for representing clients in politically sensitive cases, including journalists and media […]
OSCE side event – Addressing attacks on lawyers and the rule of law in Turkey: a profession on trial
4 October 2024 16:00-17:00 On Friday, 4 October, Lawyers for Lawyers will be hosting a side-event at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw entitled ‘Addressing Attacks on Lawyers and the Rule of Law in Turkey: A Profession on Trial’. For years, lawyers in Turkey have been unable to fulfil their professional duties effectively due to […]
Vacature Manager Fondsenwerving en Communicatie
Word jij de eerste manager Fondsenwerving en Communicatie bij Lawyers for Lawyers? Verantwoordelijkheden: Fondsenwerving Communicatie Contacten in Nederland De Manager Fondsenwerving en Communicatie is verantwoordelijk voor de fondsenwerving voor Lawyers for Lawyers. Het huidige budget is 250.000 euro en er ligt een stevig groeiplan. Voor jou is er ruimte om dat groeiplan vorm te geven […]
Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat – Afghanistan
24 januari 2021 is de jaarlijkse ‘Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat’. Dit jaar staat de dag in het teken van advocaten uit Afghanistan die vanwege hun legitieme werkzaamheden in de problemen komen. In het kader van deze dag worden op dinsdag 24 januari verschillende events georganiseerd. Aanbieden rapport Stichting Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat zal trachten […]
Voormalig voorzitter L4L benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau
Op 18 september 2022 is voormalig L4L-voorzitter Phon van den Biesen benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Hij ontving de koninklijke onderscheiding vanwege zijn inzet als advocaat, bestuurder en lobbyist voor de rechtstaat en de mensenrechten. Van den Biesen ontving de onderscheiding uit handen van locoburgemeester Marjolein Moorman. Phon van den Biesen is […]
Vacature: Penningmeester voor het bestuur van Lawyers for Lawyers
Voor het bestuur van Lawyers for Lawyers zijn we per 1 december 2022 op zoek naar een bestuurslid met de functie van penningmeester. Functie Als bestuurslid ben je nauw betrokken bij de groei van de stichting en lever je een bijdrage aan de bepaling en bewaking van koers en strategie van Lawyers for Lawyers. Als […]
Continued administrative detention and harassment through judicial proceedings of Salah Hammouri
The undersigned organisations are gravely concerned about the continued administrative detention and the harassment through judicial proceedings of French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender, Salah Hammouri. As a lawyer, Salah Hammouri represents political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. On the morning of 7 March 2022, Israeli security forces raided the house of Mr. Hammouri […]
Joint statement on the trial and detention of Chang Weiping
Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), The 29 Principles, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), The Rights Practice and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada are concerned about the (pre-)trial and detention of human rights lawyer Chang Weiping from China. On 26 July 2022 his trial took place behind closed doors. […]
Iran: UPR mid-term report
In preparation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Iran in 2025, Lawyers for Lawyers has written a mid-term report. In this report, we set out to what extent Iran has implemented the recommendations it accepted during the 2019 UPR process in relation to the role of lawyers. During the 2019 UPR, Iran received and partially […]
Iran: UPR mid-term report
In preparation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Iran in 2025, Lawyers for Lawyers has written a mid-term report. In this report, we set out to what extent Iran has implemented the recommendations it accepted during the 2019 UPR process in relation to the role of lawyers. During the 2019 UPR, Iran received and partially […]
Concerns about violence against lawyers in Sri Lanka
Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about reports of violence being used against lawyers in Sri Lanka who are supporting protesters. At least one lawyer is reported to have been arrested and two lawyers, including the arrested lawyer, to have been assaulted after attempting to intervene in their professional capacity. In the early hours of Friday […]
Charles Hector Fernandez: “Review of environmental legislation is urgently needed”
Malaysian environmental human rights lawyer Charles Hector Fernandez was one of the speakers at the Lawyers for Lawyers seminar on environmental justice and the work of environmental lawyers. Fernandez has been in the news several times in recent years, including internationally, because of cases in which he represented clients against large corporations. Trade agreements are […]
The Hague Young Bar Association raises €7120 for Lawyers for Lawyers
The The Hague Young Bar Association has raised €7120 for Lawyers for Lawyers through their annual ”Hapweg” auction. On 22 July 2022, the The Hague Young Bar Association organized a barbecue and auction to raise money for Lawyers for Lawyers. The event, called the “Hapweg”, took place at Beachclub WOW in Scheveningen. A cheque was […]
Joint letter on the continued detention of lawyer Pygamberdy Allaberdyev
In a joint letter, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute and Lawyers for Lawyers express concern about the continued detention of lawyer Pygamberdy Allaberdyev. Prior to his arrest in 2020, Mr Allaberdyev worked for oil and gas production office of the Government of Turkmenistan in the city of Balkanabad. He had become an increasingly […]