Bevindingen van de commissie rechtsstatelijkheid in verkiezingsprogramma’s

De commissie rechtsstatelijkheid in verkiezingsprogramma’s heeft op verzoek van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA) de verkiezingsprogramma’s doorgelicht en heeft de voorstellen van de partijen getoetst aan de drie minimumnormen waaraan de rechtsstaat moet voldoen: een voorspelbare en regelgeleide overheid, eerbiediging van fundamentele rechten en vrijheden, effectieve toegang tot een onafhankelijke rechter. Irma van den […]

In Profiel: advocaat Jaap Koster

Jaap Koster is na een bloemrijke carrière in de advocatuur bij Houthoff en Clifford Chance momenteel consultant bij het laatstgenoemde kantoor. De uren die hierdoor vrijkwamen werden al snel gevuld met vrijwilligerswerk bij Lawyers for Lawyers, bestuurlijke nevenfuncties binnen de culturele sector en experimenteren in de keuken. Ik spreek met Jaap over zijn carrière tot […]

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on Egypt

The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) in cooperation with Lawyers for Lawyers and a large number of NGOs from around the world, delivered an oral statement during the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council. In the statement, the NGOs expressed their support for a joint declaration by UN member states condemning […]

Concerning circumstances for lawyers in Russia

After the arrest of Russian opposition leader Aleksej Navalny at the Sheremetyevo airport and his ensuing detention, hundreds of thousands of people participated in January in peaceful protests throughout all of Russia. Reports state that thousands of protesters were arrested on the 23rd and 31st of January. After the trial against Aleksej Navalny on the […]

17 years since disappearance Somchai Neelapaijit

Seventeen years ago, Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit disappeared and he is currently still missing. Until now, no perpetrators have been held accountable for his disappearance. Somchai disappeared on 12 March 2004, one day after he had publicly accused the police of torturing his clients, who were in detention in the South of Thailand. […]

Joint oral statement during ID with the SR on the Islamic Republic of Iran

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (the IBAHRI), the International Commission of Jurists (the ICJ), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, The Law Society of England and Wales, and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Islamic Republic of Iran. The dialogue took place during the […]

Joint statement on the repression of lawyers in Belarus

Lawyers for Lawyers has signed a joint statement, alongside 42 other signatories, expressing concern about the ongoing persecution and intimidation of lawyers in Belarus. The statement is an initiative from the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The statement reads as follows: We undersigned would like to emphasise the fundamental crisis of the rule of law […]

Joint oral statement during ID with SR on protection human rights while countering terrorism

Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, on the overbroad anti-terrorism laws used to persecute human rights lawyers in Turkey. The dialogue took place during the 46th session of […]

Release of Islam Salama

Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the release of Egyptian attorney at law Islam Salama who is back home after 40 days of enforced disappearance. Earlier this month, Lawyers for Lawyers expressed concern about the enforced disappearance of attorney at law Mr. Salama in a letter to the Egyptian authorities. Mr. Salama disappeared after a Court ordered […]

Joint action letter to UN Special Rapporteurs: Tahir Elçi

Lawyers for Lawyers, together with 47 other lawyers’ and human rights organisations wrote a letter to the United Nations (UN) special mandate holders on the killing of human rights lawyer Tahir Elçi on 28 November 2015 and the lack of effective investigation into his death. The letter has been addressed to the UN Special Rapporteur […]

Call for nominations: L4L Award 2021

The Lawyers for Lawyers Award aims to honor lawyers who have made significant contributions to the protection of the rule of law and human rights in challenging environments. Through the Award, Lawyers for Lawyers generates public recognition for the work and outstanding achievements of lawyers at risk. The prize consists of a special token as […]

Letter on the enforced disappearance of Islam Salama

In a letter to the Egyptian authorities, Lawyers for Lawyers expressed concern about the enforced disappearance of attorney at law Islam Salama. Mr. Salama disappeared after a Court ordered his release on bail on 16 January 2021. To date, his whereabouts are unknown. On 25 May 2020, Mr. Salama was arrested by Egyptian security forces […]

Joint oral statement during id High Commissioner report on Belarus

On 25 February, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society of England and Wales (Law Society) delivered an oral statement during the enhanced interactive dialogue on the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Belarus. The dialogue took place during the 46th session of the […]

Joint statement on the continuous house arrest of Jiang Tianyong

Two years ago, on the 28th of February 2019, Chinese lawyer Jiang Tianyong was officially released from prison after serving a two-year prison sentence for ‘inciting subversion of state power’. However, since his release, Mr Jiang has been kept under strict house arrest, which means that he remains de facto detained. This is an example […]