
16 september 2018

Caravana Blog #7


Day 8 (Friday 7 September 2018): Celebrating life After reading my blog posts of the last couple of days, I realise that my stories haven’t been very cheerful lately. Of course it’s part of the mission to be confronted with

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13 september 2018

Caravana Blog #6


Day 7 (Thursday 6 September 2018):  Recovery Hay que recuperarme. I need to recover. In my last blog I forgot to mention that our fact-finding mission in Cartagena was concluded yesterday with a short presentation at the University of Cartagena,

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8 september 2018

Caravana Blog #5


Day 6 (Wednesday 5 September 2018): Carousel of emotions This is not a Caravana. It’s a carousel. Not to criticise the organization’s chosen name, but we are emotionally spinning around, and not moving in a straight, determined direction. Which is

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6 september 2018

Caravana Blog #4


Day 5 (Tuesday 4 September 2018) Ya no tenemos miedo. We are no longer afraid. Day two of the victim interviews. Again at Eduardo’s cozy office, which is starting to feel a bit like home. In order to attend as

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5 september 2018

Caravana blog #3


Day 3 and day 4: (Sunday 2 and Monday 3 September 2018): Travelling and fact-finding Long but satisfying days. The Caravana is up and running! Due to the large amount of information we have been able to gain from the

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2 september 2018

Caravana Blog #2


Day 2: Sightseeing and first Caravana gathering A mild jetlag had us wide awake at around 6 AM this morning, but, with breakfast starting at 7 AM we were able to make good use of the day. For us the

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31 augustus 2018

Caravana Blog #1


Day 1 (Friday, 31 August 2018): Departure and arrival With the Caravana’s agenda for the next 8 days imprinted in our mind, this morning Wout and I felt ready to begin our journey. From Amsterdam to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt to

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15 juni 2018

Blog: Noodkreet advocaten


Door Su Chun Lin Op uitnodiging van de Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) heb ik namens L4L het jaarlijkse seminar van CHRLCG dat plaatsvond op 19 en 20 mei 2018 in Hong Kong mogen bijwonen. Tijdens het seminar

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15 april 2018

Pre-session blog


On Friday 13 April, lawyer Oskar Mulder attended the pre-session organized by UPR-Info, for the review of Colombia. Oskar wrote a blog about his experiences that was published on the website of the law firm Brandeis. “Governments shall ensure that lawyers (a)

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11 april 2016

Blog Een terugblik op de UPR pre-sessie van Thailand


Door Karin Monster Genève, woensdag 30 maart. Al vroeg in de ochtend ben ik samen met Milena Latuputty, L4L’s vertegenwoordiger, op weg naar de ‘Universal Periodic Review’ (UPR) pre-sessie voor Thailand. De sessie waarin de huidige mensenrechtensituatie in Thailand, in

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1 april 2016

Thailand-blog Pre-session: L4L vraagt aandacht voor positie Thaise advocaten


Door Karin Monster Op woensdag 30 maart wordt in Genève, tijdens de pre-sessies ter voorbereiding op de aankomende ‘Universal Periodic Review’ (UPR), onder andere de mensenrechtensituatie in Thailand besproken. L4L is hierbij aanwezig en vraagt aandacht voor de naleving van

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27 maart 2016

Thailand-blog L4L bereidt zich voor op UPR pre-sessie


Door Karin Monster Aankomende week  –  van 30 maart tot en met 1 april 2016 – vinden in Genève de pre-sessies plaats ter voorbereiding op de 25e ‘Universal Periodic Review’ (UPR). Tijdens deze pre-sessies, die georganiseerd worden door UPR Info,

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