
30 juni 2020

Online event with Colombian lawyer Danilo Rueda


We would like to invite you to an online event with Colombian Lawyer at risk, Danilo Rueda on Thursday, 2nd July at 6pm UK time. This event is co-hosted by the Colombian Caravana, ABColombia, Peace Brigades International UK (PBI UK); with the collaboration of

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11 juni 2020

Online conference on the persecution of lawyers in Turkey


On 11 June 2020, the Law Society of England and Wales, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, the European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, the Turkey Human Rights Litigation Support Project, Lawyers for Lawyers and

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28 november 2019

College met advocaat Saif ul-Malook uit Pakistan


EVENT OP 23 JANUARI 2020 Vierentwintig januari 2020 is de jaarlijkse ‘Dag van de bedreigde advocaat’. Dit jaar staat deze dag in het teken van advocaten uit Pakistan. Op uitnodiging van Lawyers for Lawyers, Stichting de Dag van de Bedreigde Advocaat en

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22 oktober 2019

International Coming Out Day Event

Michel Togué: “I’m really happy you are here to celebrate Coming Out Day. Meanwhile in Cameroon our LGBT+ people are still in the closet, because the law doesn’t allow them to be who they are.”  Photo’s by: Stichting FORWARD On

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14 oktober 2019

Lawyers at Risk: Michel Togué about defending LGBT+ rights and fair trial in Cameroon


On Wednesday 9 October, Lawyers for Lawyers welcomed Geuzenpenning Laureate and human rights lawyer Michel Togué from Cameroon at a lunch briefing hosted by law firm Loyens & Loeff in Amsterdam. During this meeting, Michel Togué spoke about his experiences

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23 september 2019

Side event: Lawyers Under Threat in OSCE Region

Side Event OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meetings Lawyers Under Threat in OSCE Region: Identifying Trends and Finding Solutions *Photo credit: OSCE/Maria Kuchma  September 25, 2019 18.15-19.45 Plenary Hall Warsaw National Stadium (PGE Narodowy), GATE 1, 2nd floor Warsaw, Poland Hosted

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23 september 2019

Dam tot Damloop 2019 groot succes!

Op zondag 22 september liepen bijna 70 renners de Dam tot Damloop voor Lawyers for Lawyers. Velen van hen droegen een ‘rouwsticker’ ter nagedachtenis aan advocaat Derk Wiersum. De Dam tot Damloop is één van de grootste businesslopen ter wereld.

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11 september 2019

FORWARD & Lawyers for Lawyers: Coming Out Day Event

On International Coming Out Day, FORWARD and Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) are organising a special event with guest speakers Michel Togué and Boris Dittrich. Together Michel and Boris will talk about their work, experiences and challenges in the defence of

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22 augustus 2019

Ren voor advocaten in het nauw

Met elke mijl die je loopt, breng je de doelen van Lawyers for Lawyers dichterbij Tekst: Johan van Uffelen Een persoonlijke sportieve uitdaging, maar ook een uiting van loyaliteit met collega-advocaten die in hun beroepsuitoefening worden belemmerd. Ren voor Lawyers

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6 augustus 2019

D2D 2019: Team Lawyers for Lawyers

Veel advocaten zijn voortdurend ‘on the run’ voor de autoriteiten of andere opponenten in hun land. Lawyers for Lawyers zal met een team van 70 renners meedoen aan de goede doelen loop (10 Engelse mijl, 16,09 km). Door fondsen op

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15 juli 2019

Event at Consulate in honor of L4L Award for Selçuk Kozağaçlı


On 10 July 2019 the Dutch consulate in Istanbul hosted a special event in honor of the Lawyers for Lawyers Award given to lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı from Turkey. Kozağaçlı, who is currently serving a long prison sentence in Turkey, has

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29 mei 2019

Uitreiking Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2019


Minister bij uitreiking Award 2019 “Independent position of lawyers under increasing pressure” In het bijzijn van ruim 200 mensen, waaronder vele advocaten uit binnen- en buitenland, heeft Serife Ceren Uysal namens advocaat Selçuk Kozağaçlı uit Turkije op 23 mei de

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