
15 maart 2021

Bevindingen van de commissie rechtsstatelijkheid in verkiezingsprogramma’s

De commissie rechtsstatelijkheid in verkiezingsprogramma’s heeft op verzoek van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA) de verkiezingsprogramma’s doorgelicht en heeft de voorstellen van de partijen getoetst aan de drie minimumnormen waaraan de rechtsstaat moet voldoen: een voorspelbare en regelgeleide overheid,

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15 maart 2021

In Profiel: Jaap Koster

Jaap Koster is na een bloemrijke carrière in de advocatuur bij Houthoff en Clifford Chance momenteel consultant bij het laatstgenoemde kantoor. De uren die hierdoor vrijkwamen werden al snel gevuld met vrijwilligerswerk bij Lawyers for Lawyers, bestuurlijke nevenfuncties binnen de

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15 maart 2021

Concerning circumstances for lawyers in Russia

Russian Federation

After the arrest of Russian opposition leader Aleksej Navalny at the Sheremetyevo airport and his ensuing detention, hundreds of thousands of people participated in January in peaceful protests throughout all of Russia. Reports state that thousands of protesters were arrested

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12 maart 2021

17 years since disappearance Somchai Neelapaijit


Seventeen years ago, Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit disappeared and he is currently still missing. Until now, no perpetrators have been held accountable for his disappearance. Somchai disappeared on 12 March 2004, one day after he had publicly accused

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5 maart 2021

Release of Islam Salama


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the release of Egyptian attorney at law Islam Salama who is back home after 40 days of enforced disappearance. Earlier this month, Lawyers for Lawyers expressed concern about the enforced disappearance of attorney at law Mr.

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4 maart 2021

Concerns about the revocation of licenses of Xi Xiangdong and Zhou Ze and suspension of Peng Yonghe’s license


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the ongoing suspension and revocation of the licenses of lawyers, who take on politically sensitive cases. After the cases of Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu last month, it has been confirmed that again the

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4 maart 2021

Concerns about the suspension of the legal practicing licenses of Yang Bin and Chang Weiping


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the revocation of the legal practicing licenses of lawyers Yang Bin and Chang Weiping from China. Both lawyers are known to have taken on politically sensitive cases. Human rights lawyer Yang Bins’ legal practicing

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2 maart 2021

Call for nominations: L4L Award 2021

The Lawyers for Lawyers Award aims to honor lawyers who have made significant contributions to the protection of the rule of law and human rights in challenging environments. Through the Award, Lawyers for Lawyers generates public recognition for the work

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23 februari 2021

Announcement International Fair Trial Day and the Ebru Timtik Award

Hold the Date – International Fair Trial Day and the Ebru Timtik Award (14 June 2021) The right to a fair trial has long been recognised by the international community as a fundamental human right.  Without a fair trial every

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22 februari 2021

Hejaaz Hizbullah produced before court


According to information we have received, Hejaaz Hizbullah was produced before the Colombo Fort Magistrate’s Court on 18 February 2021 on the instructions of an Attorney General to the Inspector General of Police. During the hearing, Hejaaz Hizbullah was remanded in

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15 februari 2021

True Heroes Film releases a gateway to human rights awards and their laureates

In February, True Heroes Film has released a gateway to human rights awards and their laureates: The Digest of Human Rights Awards. The Digest is a new free online tool that gives everybody access to information on human rights awards,

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12 februari 2021

Chinese New Year: a grim outlook for the situation of human rights lawyers in the Year of the Ox


Today marks the start of the Chinese New Year and the start of the Spring Festival. The Year of the Ox, associated with honesty, earnestness and selflessness, seems unlikely to bring good news for human rights lawyers and activists that

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