
14 september 2020

Online event: 30th Anniversary of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers

On the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, the Geneva Bar Association is hosting an event to celebrate this fundamental instrument. The event is supported by various organisations including Lawyers for

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14 september 2020

Global Day of Action for the Philippines: concerns about extrajudicial killings


Today, on the Global Day of Action for the Philippines, Lawyers for Lawyers is more than ever concerned about the extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders and legal professionals in the Philippines. This Global Day is organized to draw attention

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11 september 2020

Harassment of Arnon Nampa


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the recent harassment of prominent Thai human rights lawyer Arnon Nampa. On 7 August 2020, Mr. Nampa, who defends the fundamental rights of the Thai people, was arrested in connection with his participation in

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11 september 2020

Joint statement in connection with the detention of Belarusian lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak


Lawyers for Lawyers has signed a joint statement alongside 63 other signatories, expressing concern about the detention of lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak. In the statement, Lawyers for Lawyers and the signatories urge the Belarusian authorities to immediately release

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8 september 2020

Disappearance of Pakistani lawyer Mr. Muhib Ali Leghari


On 7 September 2020 the Sindh Bar Council, the Bar Council of a province in the south of Pakistan, strongly condemned the enforced disappearance of lawyer Mr. Muhib Ali Leghari. According to the Sindh Bar Council, Mr. Muhib Ali Leghari

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7 september 2020

Commemoration of Ebru Timtik


Today lawyers from various law firms and bar associations in the Netherlands observed a minute of silence to commemorate lawyer Ebru Timtik. Ebru Timtik passed away on 27 August 2020 after a hunger strike of 238 days, which she started

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4 september 2020

Oproep: een minuut stilte voor advocate Ebru Timtik maandag 7 september 12.00 uur


De Amsterdamse Orde van Advocaten roept samen met de Federatie van Europese Balies (FBE) en Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) advocaten op tot het herdenken van de Turkse advocate  Ebru Timtik. Wij zullen deze minuut stilte in acht nemen op maandag

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4 september 2020

Aytaç Ünsal released


On 3 September, Aytaç Ünsal was released after being on hunger strike for 213 days to demand fair trials and the administration of justice in Turkey. Earlier that day, the 16th Penal Chamber of the Court of Cassation ruled that

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2 september 2020

Obituary for Ebru Timtik in the newspapers BirGün and Yeni Yaşam


Lawyers for Lawyers together with 139 bar associations and lawyers’ organizations, published an obituary in the newspapers BirGün and Yeni Yaşam to pay our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Ebru Timtik and pay tribute to her human

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1 september 2020

Prashant Bhushan ordered to pay symbolic fine


It has been reported that India’s Supreme Court ordered lawyer Prashant Bhushan to pay a symbolic fine of 1 Indian rupee on 31 August. Earlier that month, on 14 August, the court held Bhushan guilty of contempt of court for

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31 augustus 2020

Nasrin Sotoudeh’s health deteriorating during hunger strike


On 11 August 2020 human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh started her second hunger strike in 6 months to demand the release of political prisoners in the Evin prison that are threatened by the COVID-19 virus. She has now been on hunger

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30 augustus 2020

Siti Kasim acquitted


On 21 August 2020 Malysian lawyer Siti Kasim was acquitted for obstructing a civil servant during the Federal Territories Islamic Department (JAWI) raid on a private event held by the transgender community in 2016. Siti Kasim, a lawyer and human rights

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