
12 maart 2020

Oral statement Iran UPR outcome


On 12 March 2020, Lawyers for Lawyers and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute delivered an oral statement during the 43rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council. During this session, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Outcome Report of

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7 oktober 2019

International statement of solidarity

the Netherlands

On 4 October 2019, a memorial service was organized for Dutch lawyer Derk Wiersum. On this day, a international solidarity statement signed by 34 organizations including Lawyers for Lawyers was published. Mr. Wiersum, a well-respected lawyer and deputy judge, was

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17 september 2019

Joint call by international legal community: Protect Filipino lawyers!


Today, Lawyers for Lawyers together with 151 international and domestic bar associations, other lawyers’ organizations and legal professionals from 49 countries around the world called on the Government of the Philippines to take all necessary measures to stop the attacks

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10 september 2019

Joint statement on extrajudicial killings of lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers together with five other organizations joined Lawyers Rights Watch Canada in a statement to the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the extrajudicial killings of jurists in the Philippines. In the period between August

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7 augustus 2019

The Philippines: Attacks against lawyers escalating


*Last updated 16/09/2019 Lawyers for Lawyers is deeply concerned over the increasing attacks against lawyers in the Philippines and the oppressive working environment they face since the start of President Duterte’s administration. Extrajudicial killings and harassment of lawyers Since President

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10 juli 2019

Filipino lawyers at risk by state tagging


Lawyers for Lawyers is deeply concerned over the ‘red-tagging’ of lawyers and lawyers’ groups in the Philippines as it puts lawyers’ safety and independence at risk. On 11 July, a court hearing takes place where members of the military must

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26 juni 2019

Disbarment Sergey Sizintsev


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the recent disbarment of Sergey Sizintsev, a senior partner at the De Facto law firm in Kazakhstan and former Executive Director of the Republican Bar Association. According to our information, Sergey Sizintsev served as

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5 juni 2018

Open Letter to Reject the EU-Vietnam FTA


A coalition of in total 90 Vietnamese and international human rights organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, called on the European Union (EU) to reject the pending EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. Vietnam is in the midst of an unprecedented political crackdown

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4 april 2018

Proces tegen Nguyen Van Dai


On 5 April 2018, human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai, his assistant Le Thu Ha, and other members of the Brotherhood for Democracy will appear before the People’s Court in Hanoi. Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai was arrested on 16 December 2015, while he was

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1 maart 2018

Joint oral statement to Special Rapporteur on Torture


On 1 March 2018, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) delivered a joint oral statement at the 37th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. Within the statement, the organisation asked the Council to urge the Turkish

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20 oktober 2017

Mondelinge verklaring bij Mensenrechtencomité

Democratic Republic of Congo

Lawyers for Lawyers heeft een mondelinge verklaring afgelegd bij het Mensenrechtencomité van de Verenigde Naties over de situatie van advocaten in de Democratisch Republiek Congo (DRC). Deze week beoordeelde het Comité in hoeverre de DRC het Internationaal Verdrag inzake Burgerrechten

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16 oktober 2017

Gezamenlijke verklaring: stop the crackdown


Een coalitie van Vietnamese en internationale mensenrechtenorganisaties, waaronder Lawyers for Lawyers, heeft de Vietnamese autoriteiten opgeroepen om de onderdrukking van het recht op vrijheid van meningsuiting in het land te stoppen. Een van Vietnam’s meest bekende mensenrechtenadvocaten en bloggers, Nguyen Van

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