
10 oktober 2019

Pre-session Kazakhstan


On 10 October 2019 Lawyers for Lawyers attended the pre-session organized by UPR-Info on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Kazakhstan in Geneva. In March 2019 Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a UPR-report on the situation of lawyers in Kazakhstan. During this

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20 september 2019

Oral statement on UPR outcome

Democratic Republic of Congo

On 19 September 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council. During this session, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Outcome Report of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was adopted. Lawyers

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19 september 2019

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council


On 18 September 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada delivered a joint oral statement to the Human Rights Council on the situation of lawyers in the Philippines. The statement was delivered during the General Debate Item 4:

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10 september 2019

Joint statement on extrajudicial killings of lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers together with five other organizations joined Lawyers Rights Watch Canada in a statement to the 42nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the extrajudicial killings of jurists in the Philippines. In the period between August

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18 juli 2019

Joint UPR submission Turkey


In July 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers together with an international coalition of legal organisations submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review of Turkey. The review will take place in January/February 2020. In the report the coalition highlights that the Turkish authorities

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11 juli 2019

UN HRC Resolution on Philippines


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 11 July on the situation of human rights in the Philippines. The resolution expresses concern on reported human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, and urges the

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2 juli 2019

Statement: Attacks on lawyers in China, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Turkey

On 1 July 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers together with Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association delivered a joint oral statement to the Human Rights Council on the attacks on lawyers in China,

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1 juli 2019

Oral statement to Human Rights Committee


Today Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the 126th session of the Human Rights Committee for the review of Tajikistan’s compliance with it’s international human rights obligations. In July 2018, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a submission for the List

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25 juni 2019

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council


On 24 June 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers together with ISHR, LRWC and IBAHRI delivered a joint oral statement to the Human Rights Council on the situation of lawyers in China. The statement was delivered during the Interactive Dialogue with Special

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5 juni 2019

WGAD decision on detention Yorov


Washington, D.C. / Amsterdam – The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has issued an opinion finding the detention of Tajik human rights lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov to be a violation of international law. The UN concluded that the charges

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9 april 2019

Concluding observations UN Human Rights Committee on Viet Nam


In March 2019, the UN Human Rights Committee reviewed Viet Nam’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. Last week, the Committee issued the concluding observations of this review. In the concluding observations the Committee expressed its concern “about allegations

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4 april 2019

UPR submission Kazakhstan


On 28 March 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review of Kazakhstan. This review will take place in October/November 2019. In the report, Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted that the Kazakh authorities do not always uphold the necessary guarantees

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