
28 december 2021

Lawyers for Lawyers monitored 21st hearing in the Asrin case


A representative of Lawyers for Lawyers attended the 21st hearing in the Asrin case, which was held on 27 December 2021 in Istanbul. Many organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, believe the prosecution of the lawyers of this firm is

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5 december 2019

L4L observed four court hearings in Istanbul


On 26 and 28 November 2019, representatives from Lawyers for Lawyers and Fair Trial Watch attended four court hearings in Istanbul, Turkey. They were accompanied by Peter Hanenberg, president of the Rotterdam Bar Association, Nardy Desloover, who represented the Dutch

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16 september 2019

Can Tombul released from pre-trial detention


On 12 September 2019 lawyer Can Tombul was released after 1 year and 1,5 month of pre-trial detention. Mr Tombul is a lawyer at the Law Bureau of the Oppressed (EHB). Together with his colleagues mr Tombul represents victims and

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16 september 2019

Veysel Ok given a 5-months suspended sentence


On 12 September 2019 lawyer Veysel Ok, co-founder of the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and one of the lawyers shortlisted for the 2019 L4L-award, was given a 5-months suspended sentence by the Istanbul 2nd Penal Court for insulting

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12 juli 2019

L4L observed hearing in the CHD-1 trial


On 10 July 2019 representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), together with lawyers from France, Greece, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland, observed a hearing in the so-called CHD-1 case. In this case L4L-award laureate Selçuk Kozağaçlı is one of the

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20 juni 2019

Vacancy trial monitoring volunteers

LAWYERS FOR LAWYERS is looking for Trial Monitoring volunteers for Turkey 2019 Lawyers for Lawyers Award winner Selçuk Kozagaçli (picture) was sentenced to 11 years and 3 months imprisonment in March 2019. On 10 July, a hearing in another case

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23 april 2019

L4L and FTW monitor trial of lawyer Can Tombul


On 18 April, representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers and Fair Trial Watch attended the third hearing in the case of lawyer Can Tombul in Istanbul. Nardy Desloover, ex-president of the Rotterdam Bar Association, who represented the Dutch Bar Associations, attended

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5 april 2019

Kunstenaars op de bres voor advocaten Turkije

Ze verbranden jullie toga’s… Tekst: Johan van Uffelen Ze kunnen de tralies zekeren maar ze kunnen de stemmen niet dempen Ze kunnen jullie toga’s verbranden maar vrezen jullie engelen Enkele regels uit een gedicht dat Anne Vegter, voormalig Dichter des

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17 mei 2018

L4L en FTW bezoeken advocatenkantoren


Op 10 mei 2018 werden in Istanbul drie hoorzittingen gehouden in zaken tegen advocaten die verdacht worden van terrorismegerelateerde misdaden: de KCK-zaak, de ŐHD-zaak en een nieuwe zaak (inzake het Cizre-protest). Vertegenwoordigers van Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) en Fair Trial Watch (FTW)

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15 mei 2018

L4L en FTW in Istanbul voor zittingen


Op 10 mei 2018 werden in Istanbul drie zittingen gehouden in strafzaken tegen advocaten die verdacht worden van terrorisme gerelateerde misdaden: de KCK-zaak, de ŐHD-zaak en een nieuwe zaak (aangaande het Cizre-protest). Vertegenwoordigers van Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) en Fair

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10 juli 2017

Lawyers for Lawyers observeert zitting in KCK proces


Op 6 juli 2017 vond er opnieuw een zitting plaats in de langlopende zaak tegen 46 advocaten, die worden beschuldigd van betrokkenheid bij terrorisme. Lawyers for Lawyers heeft sinds het begin van het proces in 2012, alle zittingen bijgewoond. De zitting

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16 maart 2017

L4L en FTW in Istanbul voor zitting KCK-proces


Op 9 maart 2017 vond in Istanbul opnieuw een zitting plaats in de langlopende zaak tegen 46 advocaten, die worden beschuldigd van betrokkenheid bij terrorisme. Deze zaak loopt sinds 2011. Alle vervolgde  advocaten zijn op enig moment advocaat geweest van

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