Help Lawyers Defend Rights Globally and Protect the Rule of Law for All
Only with your support are we able to continue our efforts for a world where lawyers are able to perform their work independently. Fill out the form to donate to Lawyers for Lawyers.
Lawyers for Lawyers is recognized as a charitable organization and monitored by the Dutch Central Bureau of Fundraising, which means that we use your donations responsibly. We are also officially recognized as a public benefit organization (ANBI status, RSIN 814056453) by the Dutch tax authorities.
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what your money achieves
For every €1 raised:
These figures are taken from our expenditure in 2023.
We’re committed to keeping our supporters informed and to being open and accountable for how we raise funds. More information on this is available on our Funding and annual reports page
words from our donors
Colleagues who are being threatened because of their work, deserve our support. Lawyers for Lawyers is an independent foundation. For lawyers, by lawyers. Because of this, our work is only possible thanks to the support of amongst others our Friends.
Friends commit themselves to Lawyers for Lawyers and our work for a free and independent legal profession, for a period of 5 years. Their periodic donation helps us to professionalise and to grow structurally.