Lawyer Jean Kisumbule Muteba shot dead

Lawyers for Lawyers is shocked by the death of lawyer Jean Kisumbule Muteba. On Saturday 20 February, Jean Kisumbule Muteba was shot outside his home in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Maitre Kisumbule Muteba was registered at the Bar Association of Kinshasa / Gombe.

The motive and the circumstances of the crime are still unknown. We support the call of the President and the Supervisory Board of the Bar Association of Kinshasa / Gombe to the authorities, to investigate the case thoroughly and prosecute the perpetrators of this murder.

Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the safety of lawyers in the DRC. In June 2015, a group of Dutch lawyers went to Kinshasa on the occasion of the founding of the ‘Défense pour la Défense’, a collective of lawyers and human rights defenders that aims to improve the precarious security situation of their target audience. We ask the authorities, in accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, to protect our colleagues so that they can safely and freely exercise their profession.
