We empower lawyers and associations to fulfil their role in upholding human rights.


Met ons “empower” programma, stimuleren wij advocaten en orden van advocaten om hun rol te vervullen bij het handhaven van mensenrechten en fundamentele vrijheden.

Wij dragen hieraan bij door:

  • Het delen van best practices op het gebied van de kernwaardes die ten grondslag liggen aan een onafhankelijke advocatuur.
  • Het aanbieden van interactieve trainingssessies en informatiebronnen over internationale mensenrechten en internationale- en regionale mensenrechtenmechanismen.
  • Het ontwikkelen van tools zoals de Lawyers for Lawyers database inzake de United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.
  • Het faciliteren van uitwisselingen tussen internationale netwerken van advocaten, orden van advocaten en andere stakeholders.

Lawyers for Lawyers Award

The Lawyers for Lawyers Award is awarded to a lawyer or group of lawyers who work to promote the rule of law and human rights in an exceptional way and are threatened because of their work. The Lawyers for Lawyers Award is presented bi-annually, most recently in November 2021 to lawyers Liudmila Kazak and Maksim Znak from Belarus.

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Training and twinning

Lawyers for Lawyers can provide interactive training sessions and resource materials on international human rights law and international, including regional, mechanisms for the protection of human rights. We furthermore connect lawyers from the Netherlands with colleague lawyers from abroad, in ’twinning’ projects.

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Toolkit for Lawyers at Risk

Looking for a helpful resource? The Toolkit for Lawyers at Risk is a unique tool aimed at facilitating the efforts of those seeking to protect lawyers at risk – that is, attacked for performing their professional duties and representing their clients’ interests – as well as to support and assist the targeted legal profession in their struggle. The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) developed the Toolkit in cooperation with Lawyers for Lawyers and other human rights organisations.

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Empower news

24 mei 2024

Mexico: eighteen international civil society organizations released a report of the 2023 International Fair Trial Day and of the Ebru Timtik Award.


On June 14, 2023, around 300 human rights lawyers, judges, reporters, and associations worldwide attended online and in-person to the third edition of the International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) and Ebru Timtik Award. The Conference had the participation as panellists

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12 februari 2024

International Fair Trial Day 2023 and call for nominations for the Ebru Timtik Award

The right to a fair trial has long been recognised by the international community as a fundamental human right. Without a fair trial, every individual risks becoming the victim of a miscarriage of justice, either as an innocent suspect wrongly

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24 januari 2024

Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison


Golaleh Vatandoust, Iranian Lawyer, Sentenced to 6 Years, 7 Months & 20 Days of Prison On January 16, 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers received information from a trusted source that the First Branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced Ms.

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24 januari 2024

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2024 – Iran


On 24 January 2024, the fourteenth edition of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer will take place. This year’s edition focuses on the extremely difficult situation of lawyers in Iran. Lawyers for Lawyers is co-organizing multiple events in the context

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24 januari 2024

Lawyers for Lawyers Joins #JusticeForThulani Campaign


One year after the assassination of the prominent human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, demands for justice remain unanswered. Lawyers for Lawyers commemorates human rights lawyers Thulani Maseko one year after he was assassinated in his home on January 21, 2023.

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30 oktober 2023

Belarus: Suppression of independent lawyers has intensified. Is there a Solution?


October 9, 2023 – On the sidelines of the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, Lawyers for Lawyers, co-hosted a side event on Belarussian Lawyers. The event served to elaborate on the plight of the legal profession in Belarus, to introduce the

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28 oktober 2021

Training on the framework of the Dutch Bar, ethics and the disciplinary system in the Netherlands


On 21 and 22 October 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers provided an online training course on the legal and ethical framework for lawyers in the Netherlands to a group of 65 lawyers, legal advisors, representatives of the Bar Associations and Legal

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9 september 2021

Maksim Znak and Liudmila Kazak laureates Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2021

Belarusian lawyers Maksim Znak and Liudmila Kazak will receive the Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2021. The Award will be presented at a ceremony co-hosted by Lawyers for Lawyers and the Amsterdam Bar Association in the Rode Hoed in Amsterdam on

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