27 January in Geneva: side-event Persecution of Lawyers and Journalists in Turkey
19 January 2015

27 January in Geneva: side-event Persecution of Lawyers and Journalists in Turkey


The Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers for Lawyers, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Privacy International, Fair Trial Watch and Media Legal Defence Initiative cordially invite you to join the panel discussion on the

Persecution of Lawyers and Journalists in Turkey, Tuesday, 27 January, 2015 12:45 – 14:30 Room XXIII Palais des Nations, Geneva

Every four years the United Nations Human Rights Council reviews the human rights situation of each member state. Right after the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Turkey, L4L will, together with a coalition of Turkish and international human rights organizations, host a side event. At this event fundamental rights of lawyers and journalists that are regularly being violated will be discussed, including freedom of expression, privacy, confidentiality between lawyers and their clients and the protection of sources by journalists.

This event comes at a time when the rule of law in Turkey is under serious threat. Both lawyers and journalists suffer from this situation.

Turkey has adopted new laws and judicial reform packages, allowing for even more internet censorship, data collection, surveillance and the censoring of critical views on the pretence of protecting national security, which are directly undermining the freedom of expression, but also other fundamental rights such as privacy. In particular, journalists and lawyers are negatively impacted. They are subject to surveillance and legal harassment.

The last couple of years large groups of lawyers and journalists have been arrested on the suspicion of terrorism related offences. Lawyers face stigmatisation by being continuously identified with their clients’ causes. Journalists are accused of not being independent. For both groups it is hard, if not impossible, to work freely, independently and securely.


Ayse Bingol – Lawyer from Turkey

Tayfun Ertan – Journalist from Turkey

Marietje Schaake (by Skype) – Member European Parliament

Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion – Privacy International

Tony Fisher – The Law Society of England and Whales


Irma van den Berg – Turkey expert of Lawyers for Lawyers

Do you want to attend the event?

Kindly confirm your presence no later than 23 January and/or for more information, mail at bp@lawyersforlawyers.nl

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