Malek Adly released
31 August 2016

Malek Adly released


On 28 August 2016, Egyptian human rights lawyer Malek Adly was released from prison pending further investigations in his case. This was after a Prosecution appeal was dismissed the day before, upholding a Court order of 25 August to release the human rights lawyer.

Malek Adly works for the Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR) and is a co-founder of the Front of Defence for Egyptian Protesters (FDEP). He was arrested against the backdrop of the Red Sea island protests in April of this year, claimed to be beaten and maltreated, and has been held in solitary confinement since then. Malek Adly has not been formally charged, but the investigations are allegedly focused at several serious allegations, including inciting anti-government protest, spreading false news and plotting to overthrow the government.

On 18 July 2016, Malek Adly’s lawyers requested the court to appoint an investigative judge, arguing that the prosecution had committed several violations of the right to a fair trial. The lawyers stated, among others, that they had not received a formal copy of the case file and that the court had refused to open an investigation in the alleged torture and ill treatment during Malek Adly’s detention.

Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the release of Malek Adly, but condemns his arrest and ill-treatment. Moreover, L4L reiterates its earlier call upon the Egyptian authorities to immediately drop all charges against him, as they only aim at sanctioning his legitimate activities as a human rights lawyer.

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