Funding and annual reports


As a foundation, Lawyers for Lawyers does not have any members. Lawyers for Lawyers is supported entirely by financial donations and in-kind support, mainly from individual lawyers, law firms, lawyers’ associations and other organizations related to the legal profession. We raise funds by cultivating relationships and partnerships in the legal sector and through third- party events. We sometimes also receive royalties from an author or composer for each copy of a legal book that has been sold or fees for a service that has been provided, such as a legal training.
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Ethical funding policy

Lawyers for Lawyers fundraises under the guidance of its Ethical Funding Policy, which outlines the type of funding Lawyers for Lawyers accepts and the types of activities donations and other funding are used for. Lawyers for Lawyers’ Ethical Funding Policy seeks to ensure that Lawyers for Lawyers can properly manage its priorities and projects with appropriate independence from its funders.

A summary of the Lawyers for Lawyers Ethical Funding Policy can be accessed here.

Lawyers for Lawyers has been recognized as a charity by the Central Bureau on Fundraising (CBF), i.e., “CBF-erkend goed doel”. Lawyers for Lawyers is also tax-exempted under Dutch law. It qualifies as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI status).


Annual reports

Please see our annual reports over 2014, 2015,  2016,  2017 and 2019 for further information about Lawyers for Lawyers’ activities. The 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 reports are only available in Dutch.