Syria Al Hasani visits the Netherlands
7 November 2011

Syria Al Hasani visits the Netherlands

On 17,18 and 19 October, Human Rights Lawyers Muhanad al Hasani from Syria, paid a visit to the Netherlands. On 22 October 2010 Al Hasani was presented with the Amsterdam Dean’s Award. At the time it was not possible for him to collect the Award himself, for he was detained in prison. On 3 June 2011, Al Hasani was released after a prison stay of 22 months. Shortly after that, he fled Syria. In the presence of the Dean of Amsterdam, it was celebrated that Al Hasani had received the Award.

During his visit, Al Hasani visited the Dutch Ambassador for Human rights and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to ask attention for the distressing situation of, amongst others, human rights lawyers in Syria. L4L arranged these visits for Al Hasani and stood by him during his visits.

Al Hasani expressed his gratitude towards the Board members of the Amsterdam Bar Association and Lawyers for Lawyers, concerning the effort they made for him during his prison stay. “In my ordeal you become the most precious thing I own. You became my family, friends, and associates. Thank you for everything. I will remain grateful to you all my life”. Al Hasani wrote a rapport for L4L, on the situation of Human Rights defenders in Syria in current times. You can find the rapport here.

It is not sure if, and when Al Hasani could return to Syria, to his family and friends. At the moment he is travelling through Europe to ask attention for the situation of his colleagues, of whom many are detained on unknown grounds (see for example the letter writing campaign for Issam Zaghloul)

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