Kazakhstan submission on the Universal Periodic Review
20 March 2014

Kazakhstan submission on the Universal Periodic Review

L4L has brought to the attention of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism key issues regarding Kazakhstan’s compliance with its human rights commitments to guarantee effective access to legal services provided by an independent legal profession as set out in the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.

From 27 October to 7 November 2014, the Human Rights Council’s Working Group on the UPR will consider the situation of human rights in Kazakhstan. Ahead of the Working Group’s review, L4L has made a submission in which it has identified suggested recommendations concerning:

(i)           Effective guarantees for the functioning of lawyers,
(ii)          Preventing abuse of legal proceedings against lawyers, and
(iii)         Effective access to legal services.

The submission is also available in Russian (unofficial version).

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