Demonstration and seminar in The Hague
25 January 2018

Demonstration and seminar in The Hague


On 24 January 2018 several dozens of lawyers demonstrated in front of the courthouse of The Hague as part of the eighth annual “Day of the Endangered Lawyer”, which this year focused on lawyers in Egypt. The purpose of this international event is to show solidarity with colleagues in other countries who are hindered in the exercise of their profession.

Wout Albers was one of lawyers who attended the event. “We hope to draw attention to the situation of our colleagues in Egypt. It is almost impossible for us to imagine in what circumstances they have to do their work. Solidarity of other lawyers is very important, I think. I hope that our Egyptian colleagues feel supported and know that the world sees what is happening in their country“.


The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is an initiative of the foundation bearing that name. Activities marking the event were organized in no less than 35 cities, including in New York, Taipei and Paris.

As in prior years, Lawyers for Lawyers held a seminar as part of the day’s activities. In line with this year’s focus, the subject of the seminar was the situation of lawyers in Egypt. In this military-led country, human rights and the independence of the judiciary are under considerable pressure. Many lawyers have been arrested in recent years and the situation continues to deteriorate.

Ongoing crisis

Italian lawyer Nicola Canestrini spoke at the seminar. He reported on a fact-finding mission in Egypt last December, during which he talked with several lawyers. Canestrini described the worrisome situation in that country: “Human rights lawyers, as other human rights defenders in Egypt, suffer persecutions like arbitrary arrests, forced disappearances, torture, fabricated charges, detention and travel bans. The security forces are not the only party abusing lawyers. The courts, judges and prosecutors are also violating the right of defense, which reveals the depth of the ongoing crisis of the Rule of Law under the present regime. The international community of lawyers and civil society should raise their voice asking for the respect of fundamental rights”.

The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Young Bar Association of The Hague. It attracts an increasing number of participants every year and all seats in the room were taken. It was therefore an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues who are also worried about the fate of the rule of law in other countries and who want to stand up for lawyers who are threatened, intimidated or in prison.

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