Obituary for Ebru Timtik in the newspapers BirGün and Yeni Yaşam

Lawyers for Lawyers together with 139 bar associations and lawyers’ organizations, published an obituary in the newspapers BirGün and Yeni Yaşam to pay our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Ebru Timtik and pay tribute to her human rights work. The obituaries were published on 2 September 2020.

Click here for the obituary that has been published in the Yeni Yaşam and here for the obituary that has been published in the BirGün. The English-language text of the obituary reads as follows:

Deeply saddened we are by the loss of our colleague lawyer EBRU TIMTIK. She passed away on 27 August 2020 after a hunger strike of 238 days, which she started to strengthen her demand for fair trials and the administration of justice in Turkey. Her demands for justice were supported by many.

We, the undersigned, lawyers organizations from all over the world would like to pay our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues with whom she worked on human rights issues and pay tribute to her determined work to protect the rights of others and promote respect for the rule of law. Our fight to secure the release of her colleague Aytaç Ünsal continues.

