Sui Muqing’s license revoked
16 February 2018

Sui Muqing’s license revoked


On 12 February 2018 Sui Muqin’s license was revoked according to Front Line Defenders.

On 23 January 2018 Sui Muqin received an advanced notice that his license will be  revoked according to Front Line Defenders. According to the official notice, his license would be revoked based on an act of ‘disrupting court order’. A recording of an online speech of Sui Muqin was used as ‘proof’. With this speech Sui has violated the ‘‘Law on Lawyers’’. During this speech Sui defended the rights of his client, Ding Jiaxi, and made the allegations public. Ding Jiaxi stated that he is being tortured while being captive.

Also according to the official notice Sui is being accused of violating the ‘‘court room etiquette rules’’ during the trial of human rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi in 2014. During the court hearing Sui moved freely around without asking permission of the court to do so. In reality it is very likely that Sui will be punished for the online confession he made about Ding Jiaxi being abused in detention.

On 3 February 2018 Sui attended a hearing on the revocation of his legal license. On 12 February he was officially informed of his confirmed disbarment. According to Front Line Defenders since then also Sui Muqing’s wife and child have been placed under travel ban.

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