Environmental Justice and the work of Environmental Lawyers
Environmental Lawyers Campaign
In order to provide public recognition and support to environmental lawyers at risk, Lawyers for Lawyers has launched a one-year ‘Environmental Lawyers Campaign‘ on 19 May 2022. In recent years, attacks against environmental lawyers have increased significantly. The campaign aims to raise international attention on environmental lawyers who are being intimidated, harassed or are otherwise at risk because of their work and to create more international solidarity and knowledge by sharing ‘success stories’, i.e. successful cases taken up by environmental lawyers.
About the Campaign
In recent years, attacks against environmental lawyers have increased significantly. These attacks include acts of intimidation, assault, enforced disappearance, unlawful detention, violations of private and family life, and in the worst cases, even the killing of lawyers.
In order to provide public recognition and support to environmental lawyers at risk, Lawyers for Lawyers has launched a one-year ‘Environmental Lawyers Campaign’ on 19 May 2022. The campaign aims to raise international attention on environmental lawyers who are being intimidated, harassed or are otherwise at risk because of their work. We want to provide these lawyers with moral and practical support through a series of actions, including statements, individual petitions, and submissions. The purpose of this campaign is also to reduce acts of harassment against environmental lawyers by sending the message to national governments that the international community is watching.
Finally, the campaign aims to create more international solidarity and knowledge amongst environmental lawyers by sharing ‘success stories’, i.e. successful cases taken up by environmental lawyers.
Stories of environmental lawyers
The campaign will focus on the work of environmental lawyers from around the globe. Regularly, articles introducing one of the lawyers will be published on L4L’s website and social media. The campaign will also include other activities, including interventions, individual petitions and submissions, and conferences. The campaign will be concluded with the publication of a final report on environmental lawyers, which will be shared with relevant stakeholders. This report will combine all the interviews mentioned above, as well as commentaries on the general situation of environmental lawyers.