More and more lawyers are sentenced to long prison sentences because of their work. In order to support unjustly jailed lawyers and to convey a message of solidarity to them, Lawyers for Lawyers encourages you to write greetings cards to unjustly jailed lawyers around the world as part of our two-year long #FreeTheLawyers campaign. The #FreeTheLawyers campaign was launched on 10 December 2019.
Messages of solidarity and support can encourage and inspire others to take action. Moreover, they send a clear signal to the authorities that their actions are being watched. Writing greeting cards can contribute to the release of unjustly imprisoned lawyers or can help generate protective publicity.
As part as our #FreeTheLawyers campaign, Lawyers for Lawyers has highlighted the cases of five of courageous lawyers who are unjustly jailed for upholding the rule of law: Mahienour El-Massry from Egypt, Selçuk Kozağaçlı from Turkey, Wang Quanzhang from China, Nasrin Sotoudeh from Iran, and Buzurgmehr Yorov from Tajikistan.
Please send your cards to the post office box below and mention the name of the lawyer you would like to address your card to in the card. Do not send any religious card. The team of Lawyers for Lawyers will make sure that your cards will be forwarded to the lawyer to whom you have addressed your card!
Lawyers for Lawyers
PO box 15732
1001 NE Amsterdam
The Netherlands