Funding and annual reports
Ethical funding policy
Lawyers for Lawyers fundraises under the guidance of its Ethical Funding Policy, which outlines the type of funding Lawyers for Lawyers accepts and the types of activities donations and other funding are used for. Lawyers for Lawyers’ Ethical Funding Policy seeks to ensure that Lawyers for Lawyers can properly manage its priorities and projects with appropriate independence from its funders.
A summary of the Lawyers for Lawyers Ethical Funding Policy can be accessed here.
Lawyers for Lawyers receives a solid income stream. Our annual financial reports have been drawn up in accordance with Guideline C2 Small fundraising organisations. The reserves of Lawyers for Lawyers are in accordance with the standards of the Herkströter Commission (Commission for the Standardisation of Assets for Charities). This means that Lawyers for Lawyers has a continuity reserve of a maximum of one and a half times the annual turnover.
For more information, see the 2023 Financial report, the accompanying assessment statement by an accountant (both in Dutch), and the 2023 Annual Board Report (in English).
Financial accountability
Lawyers for Lawyers is tax-exempted under Dutch law. It qualifies as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI status) – RSIN 814056453.
Lawyers for Lawyers furthermore has been recognized as a charity by the Central Bureau on Fundraising (CBF), i.e., “CBF-erkend goed doel”.

What is Certification
“Certification” (Erkenning) is the quality mark for charities issued by the CBF, Charity Supervisor, in the Netherlands. With this certification, organisations show that they meet strict requirements with regard to accountability, transparency and ethics. For larger organisations, different conditions apply than for smaller ones. The CBF now supervises approximately 80% of the private grants. You can safely give to a Certified Charity because you can be confident that the organisation is contributing to a better world, handles every euro with care, is accountable and is independently audited.
Transparency at a glance: The CBF Certification Passport
The CBF Certification Passport shows the most important information about a Certified Charity clearly and neutrally. The passport contains both qualitative information about the objectives and activities of the organisation and financial key figures. The latter is validated by the CBF. You can view our CBF Certification Passport via the banner above.