Global call for international human rights monitoring mechanisms on China
28 september 2020

Global call for international human rights monitoring mechanisms on China


Lawyers for Lawyers has joined more than 300 civil society groups from over 60 countries in a joint open call to the UN Secretary General, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN member states to call for an international mechanism to address human rights violations by China. The joint open call was presented as an oral statement during the 45th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council.

In the global call, “we (..) endorse the call by UN experts for a Special Session or Urgent Debate at the Human Rights Council to evaluate the range of violations by China’s government, and to establish an impartial and independent UN mechanism to closely monitor, analyze, and report annually on that topic. We call on the High Commissioner for Human Rights to fulfil her independent mandate to monitor and publicly report on China’s sweeping rights violations”.

The oral statement can be viewed below.

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