Lawyers for Lawyers has received information that Iranian lawyers Nazanin Salari, Mahmoud Taravtrouy, and Masoud Ahmadian are expected to be tried on 11 November 2023. Together with 10 organisations, L4L issued a solidarity statement before the trial.
Human Rights lawyers Nazanin Salari, Mahmoud Taravtrouy, and Masoud Ahmadian are set to face trial on sham charges in the Iranian city of Shiraz, Fars province at the Islamic Revolution Court on 11 November. The three lawyers were charged on the grounds of “cooperation with ‘hostile’ countries,” “assembly and collusion to act against national security,” and “propagandistic activity against the Islamic Republic of Iran”, after having participated in a peaceful protest in front of the Bar Association.
The undersigned organisations stand in solidarity with Nazanin Salari, Mahmoud Taravat-Roui, Masoud Ahmadian, and all the lawyers who fight for human rights and a more just society in Iran.
Find the full statement here.
1. International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute
2. International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger
3. Centre for Supports of Human Rights (CSHR)
4. Lawyers for Lawyers
5. Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e. V.
6. Defence Commission of the Barcelona Bar Association
7. AED – European Democratic Lawyers
8. The Hanseatic Bar of Hamburg (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg)
9. The German Bar Association
10. Geneva Bar Association (Ordre des Avocats Genève)
11. The German Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer, BRAK)