Mohammad Najafi, an Iranian lawyer, has been the subject of false accusations, harassment and arbitrary detentions for over 10 years. Imprisoned since 2016, he is facing over 21 years in prison, involving 14 different charges in relation to actions taken in his professional capacity.

In October 2018, Mr. Najafi was sentenced to 17 years in prison and 74 lashes on charges including spreading fake news and insulting the Supreme Leader. Since then, at least five additional charges have been filed against him. In 2020, Mr. Najafi suffered a heart attack in prison and was denied proper medical care. Following a hunger strike, he was granted medical furlough in December 2021 but returned to prison before receiving full treatment. In November 2024, he experienced another heart-related emergency.  Receiving a letter would be of great support to Mr. Najafi, potentially leading to greater respect of his rights, notably to medical aid.