1. Introduction

Lawyers for Lawyers is a Netherlands-based organization of lawyers, legal experts, and human rights specialists that strives to enable lawyers anywhere in the world to practice their profession independently, without undue interference or pressure from third parties.

We have a small team of employees (2025: 4,4 FTE) and student interns, a board that carries out its management tasks without pay, and a group of lawyers who dedicate their time and expertise to our organization on a pro bono basis. As a foundation, we have no members. In addition to the efforts of volunteers, we depend on donations from third parties. We value a people-oriented approach that contributes to the job satisfaction and enthusiasm of our employees and volunteers, guarantees social trust in our integrity, and optimizes support for our target group. We believe it is important that employees and volunteers feel connected to our mission, our target group, and the work they do and that there is a high level of mutual involvement. We want to offer a working environment in which people work together in an atmosphere of openness, respect, and trust; in which everyone can be themselves, feel safe and valued, and where inappropriate behavior is not tolerated. And in which there is room to give and receive feedback and to address each other on responsibilities and behavior. In order to create the culture, behavior and integrity awareness that are necessary to guarantee the standards and values ​​of Lawyers for Lawyers, we pursue an active integrity policy. This note describes our integrity policy, how this policy relates to our mission and core values, and which instruments we use in this regard. Our policy is monitored and, where necessary, adjusted to internal and external developments and to increase effectiveness.

2. Core values ​​of the organization

  • We provide a workable and safe environment for all those involved with the Foundation.
  • We respect our colleagues.
  • We comply with laws and regulations. In particular, the prohibition of discrimination, corruption, fraud, theft, (sexual) violence, unwanted intimacy/sexual harassment is mentioned here.
  • We behave according to generally accepted standards of decency and guard against inappropriate behavior.
  • We respect the privacy of donors, applicants, employees, volunteers and business partners.
  • We handle the data entrusted to us, the funds donated to us and company property with care. 
  • We ensure that no conflict of interest arises.

Lawyers for Lawyers has ANBI status and is a charity organisation recognised by the CBF under category B. This means that we have committed ourselves to the conditions and integrity requirements of public benefit organisations and the standards of the Charity Recognition Scheme.

3. Code of Conduct

Integrity is one of the core values ​​of Lawyers for Lawyers, as expressed in the strategic multi-year plan. We use a Code of Conduct that sets out what is desirable and unacceptable behaviour for the organisation and all those involved. It includes what Lawyers for Lawyers considers to be integrity violations, presented in the following three categories: 1. interpersonal violations, 2. financial violations, 3. abuse of position/authorities and abuse of power.

This code of conduct has the following objectives:

  • Inspire and support employees, interns and volunteers to act in line with the mission, vision and values ​​of Lawyers for Lawyers; 
  • Promote the safety of employees, partners and others who work for or with Lawyers for Lawyers 
  • Promote professionalism; 
  • Formulate a common idiom to enter into dialogue with each other about expectations and dilemmas.

All our directors, employees and volunteers have taken note of our Code of Conduct.

4. Prevention and enforcement

4.1 Prevention

Lawyers for Lawyers takes all kinds of measures in the organization to make it less vulnerable and to prevent violation(s) of integrity in the future.

4.1.1 Prevention of interpersonal violations

All our volunteers who work in direct contact with the lawyers we support abroad within the framework of the objectives of Lawyers for Lawyers have been carefully selected after an application procedure and various briefings.

During our trips made on behalf of Lawyers for Lawyers in the Netherlands and abroad, directors, employees and volunteers behave professionally and respectfully. They do not accept favors of any kind from people, companies or organizations that have a direct interest in our presence as a person or in our capacity as a representative of Lawyers for Lawyers. By professional behavior we also mean respect for the morals and customs of the local population.

4.1.2 Prevention of financial violations

The board of Lawyers for Lawyers has built in a system of checks and balances, such as a two-signature system, a four-eyes principle and the requirement of additional guarantees for payments of a certain size.

Lawyers for Lawyers handles the funding entrusted to it with care; we do not waste resources and goods. Lawyers for Lawyers does not accept corruption or blackmail, and does everything possible to prevent this.

When outsourcing assignments/projects, we work according to our procurement policy.

4.1.3 Prevention of abuse of position and abuse of power

The work of board members is unpaid. Board members only receive compensation for the actual costs they incur in the context of the execution of their board duties. Payments are made on the basis of written declarations, initialed by the director.

4.2 Enforcement

Despite everything, it is possible that actions are taken that are contrary to the rules. A reporting point has been set up to identify and report suspected integrity violations and the following steps are taken:

4.2.1 Reporting

Employees, interns, volunteers or other (external) parties involved who are victims of transgressive behaviour can discuss this with and/or report it to a confidential advisor/board member selected by the board. The confidential advisor conducts a preliminary investigation: is there really a violation of the code of conduct? Is there reason to doubt? What is the evidence? The confidential advisor advises on an official report with the relevant follow-up actions.

The board determines further steps: take immediate action if people are in danger and ensure that victims are supported, conduct an investigation to map out the nature and seriousness of the violation, report violations to those responsible, or possibly even report them to the police.

4.2.2 Support

It is important that victims of transgressive behaviour feel supported by their environment. This means that the person concerned is consulted on whether action needs to be taken to restore safety. We look at whether sufficient support can be provided by the victim’s immediate environment, or whether professional help is needed.

4.2.3 Investigation

If a decision is made to conduct a further investigation, the board will establish the investigation protocol. This protocol will specify which questions need to be answered, whether the investigation will be conducted internally or externally, whether the police should be involved, who has what responsibility and how the rights of those involved will be protected.

4.2.4 Measures

If a thorough investigation shows that the code of conduct has indeed been violated, the organisation can take disciplinary measures. Depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation, various disciplinary measures can be imposed, from an initial warning to dismissal from the position. If necessary, external legal advice will be sought.

4.2.5 Reflection

With each report, it is discussed whether sufficient action has been taken to prevent the problem and what can be done to prevent recurrence.

4.2.6 Communication

In the event of significant violations of the code of conduct, stakeholders in the organisation must be informed. This may involve embezzlement of significant amounts in projects or within the team, sexually transgressive behavior within projects or within the team, or structural bullying. Interested parties include relevant partner organizations or donors.

The integrity policy is published on our website. The annual report includes a report on any reports: number, nature, and follow-up steps. It also states whether and how the policy has been adjusted.