Training on the framework of the Dutch Bar, ethics and the disciplinary system in the Netherlands

On 21 and 22 October 2021, Lawyers for Lawyers provided an online training course on the legal and ethical framework for lawyers in the Netherlands to a group of 65 lawyers, legal advisors, representatives of the Bar Associations and Legal Chamber of Advisers from Kazakhstan, as part of a two day training organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan.

The training offered the participants the opportunity to learn more about the exisiting disciplinary law for lawyers in the Netherlands, core values for lawyers and disciplinary proceedings as well professional education and funding of the (national and local) Bar Associations. The training was conducted by two lawyer-volunteers who have extensive experience in the field of disciplinary law and ethics for lawyers.

Amongst other things, our lawyer-volunteers and participants discussed about the need for an independent Bar Association, funding of the Bar through membership contributions, regulations on ethics for lawyers and the necessity of an independent disciplinary system.

