Shelter City

A global movement for human rights defenders at risk

Shelter City

Shelter City is a global movement that offers safe and inspiring spaces to human rights defenders at risk where they can re-energize, receive tailormade support, and engage with allies in order to reinforce their local actions for change.

In 2025, together with the Municipality of Amstelveen, Lawyers for Lawyers has launched ‘Shelter City Amstelveen’, a shelter city dedicated to lawyers specifically. From 2025-2027, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Municipality of Amstelveen will receive one lawyer a year for 3 months for the Shelter City program. In Shelter City Amstelveen, lawyers can rest, expand their network, develop skills, and acquire new knowledge to enhance their resilience. Our goal is to empower them to continue their local actions for change with renewed energy and in a safer and more effective way. 

Shelter City Amstelveen

A charming city just outside Amsterdam, Amstelveen has long been known for its quality of life, extensive green spaces and cultural diversity. In 2025, the city cemented its commitment to human rights by becoming a Shelter City, a collaborative project between the city of Amstelveen, Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Justice and Peace. Shelter City Amstelveen serves as a temporary respite programme specifically designed for lawyers who are at risk because of their work. With a focus on knowledge exchange, cultural activities, and professional development, this initiative provides a safe and supportive environment where these legal professionals can recharge and continue their important work, away from the threats they face in their home countries.

Our Support

Rest and re-energize

In Shelter City Amstelveen, lawyers find a safe space where they can rest and recharge, away from the challenges and risks of their work. During their stay, they can enjoy the city’s serene and vibrant atmosphere, drawing strength and inspiration from the comfort and tranquility that make Amstelveen a welcoming space.

Tailormade support

During their stay in Shelter City Amstelveen, lawyers are offered a personal experience tailored to their needs, including receiving psychological support and medical assistance from trained professionals. They are also offered the opportunity to learn new skills and follow courses, lectures and workshops that can strengthen their work and allow them to continue more safely and effectively. 

Engage with local allies

We support lawyers who wish to raise awareness for their cause by arranging opportunities for them to speak publicly about their work and the human rights situation in their country. We also connect them with legal networks in the Netherlands. This allows them to share their experiences with a wider international audience, creating a platform for knowledge exchange and raising awareness about their experiences and challenges.

For applications, you can visit the Shelter City Website.          

Shelter City is part of our ‘defend’ programme – more defend News: