
10 July 2023

‘709 Crackdown 2.0’: Global call against China’s renewed crackdown on human rights lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers, joined by a large group of international organisations, Bar Associations, legal scholars, and Chinese human rights defenders, calls for urgent global attention to the new wave of repression against Chinese human rights lawyers in a joint statement.

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10 July 2023

Concerns over death threat against Colombian human rights lawyer Adil Meléndez Marquez


Adil José Meléndez Marquez is a prominent Colombian human rights lawyer. He is one of the few lawyers in the country working on land restitution cases, and the prosecution of the (para)military in the northern Bolivar region. He also represents

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28 June 2023

Concerns over the designation of Russian lawyer Ilya Novikov as ‘foreign agent’ and his disbarment

Russian Federation

On June 16, the Russian human rights lawyer Ilya Novikov was stripped of his license to practice law by the Chamber of Attorneys of Moscow. Allegedly ‘indecent behavior leading to disruption of trust’ led to the decision. This was based

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22 June 2023

Statement on the arbitrary arrest of Georgian lawyer Eduard Marikashvili


Georgian lawyer and human rights defender Eduard Marikashvili has been arrested during a demonstration in front of the parliament building in Tblisi, Georgia. He was arrested for hooliganism and disobedience of legal order of the police under articles 166 and

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19 June 2023

Joint statement ongoing trial Hejaaz Hizbullah


Lawyers for Lawyers, the Bar Human Rights Committee, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee (IBAHRI), International Commission of Jurists, the Law Society of England and Wales, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and

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19 June 2023

Statement on the arrest of Gülhan Kaya and the arrest warrants against Sezin Uҁar, Özlem Gümüstaş and Kader Tunҁ


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the arrest of lawyers Gülhan Kaya on 10 June 2023 in Izmir. We are also concerned about the arrest warrants that have been issued against Sezin Uҁar, Özlem Gümüstaş and Kader Tunҁ. Picture by

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6 June 2023

Statement on the Situation of Venezuelan Human Rights Lawyer Venus Faddoul

Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) remains deeply concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in Venezuela. Venezuelan lawyers continue to be persecuted by various means such as threats, harassment, prosecution, and surveillance simply for performing their professional duties. The threats and

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5 June 2023

Statement on the Conviction of Human Rights Laywer Vladimir Prokhorov

Vladimir Prokhorov, a Russian human rights lawyer known for defending Putin’s opponents, has fled the Russian Federation in May 2023 after being threatened in the courtroom. Mr Prokhorov had publicly made statements about the closed trial of his friend and

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26 May 2023

Lawyers’ Day in Tajikistan


Today is “Lawyers’ Day” in Tajikistan, when lawyers celebrate the establishment of the first Bar Association.The situation of lawyers in Tajikistan remains concerning and, on what should be a day of celebration, Lawyers for Lawyers would like to pay attention

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26 May 2023

Statement on the conviction of Human Rights Lawyer Mikhail Benyash

Russian Federation

Mikhail Benyash is a human rights and defence lawyer working in the Krasnodar region in Russia. Mikhail has advised protesters for over a decade and most recently he represented anti-war protesters and soldiers who do not want to fight in

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25 May 2023

Concerns over detention of lawyers, journalists, politicians, and artists in Türkiye


It has been exactly one month since the Turkish police carried out raids across 21 provinces in the country, resulting in the detention of numerous lawyers, journalists, politicians, and artists. Lawyers for Lawyers continues to be concerned over this matter.

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22 May 2023

Statement on the situation of the Belarusian Human Rights Lawyers Alexander Danilevich, Vitaly Braginets en Anastasia Lazarenko


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) continues to be deeply concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus. Since the 2020 elections, Belarusian lawyers have been persecuted by various means such as disbarment, detention, and prosecution simply for performing their professional

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