
1 May 2023

Board of the Izmir Bar acquitted on all charges


On 24 April 2023, representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers observed a hearing in a trial against the ex-president and the ex-members of the Izmir Bar Association. The board was accused of ‘publicly denigrating the religious values adopted by a section

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17 April 2023

Mohamed El-Baqer’s wife arrested after expressing concerns about his injuries.


In the morning of 17 April, Mohamed El-Baqer’s wife, Neama Hisham, was arrested from her home and taken to an unknown location. She visited her husband the day before and expressed concerns about his injuries that resulted from an attack

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23 March 2023

Concerns about Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill

On 21 March 2023, the Ugandan parliament passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2023. The Bill is claimed to “protect the traditional family” and introduces severe punishments for “homosexual acts”. It even introduced the death penalty. Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned

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15 March 2023

Concerns about the ongoing threats, kidnapping and harassment against Colombian lawyer Andrea Torres Bautista


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the ongoing threats, harassment and the lack of progress in the investigations of aggressions towards Andrea Torres Bautista, Colombian human rights lawyer and co-director of the Fundación Nydia Erik Bautista (FNEB). Andrea Torres heads

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10 March 2023

Statement on the assassination attempt and harassment of Eswatini lawyer Maxwell Nkambule


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the assassination attempt as well as the harassment and intimidation of Mr Maxwell Nkambule. Lawyers for Lawyers is furthermore concerned about the overall failures of the authorities in the Kingdom of Eswatini to ensure

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8 March 2023

Nursyahbani Katjasungkana: “we as lawyers need to learn more about gender and law”


Lawyers for Lawyers presents the “Highlighting the Work of Female Lawyers from Asia” interview series. This series highlights the important work of inspiring female lawyers from Asia. We address the general challenges these lawyers face as women in the male

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7 March 2023

Egyptian lawyers Hoda Abdel Moneim, Tarek Al-Silkawi, Ezzat Ghoneim and Mohammed Abu Horeira sentenced to imprisonment


Lawyers for Lawyers received the news that Egyptian lawyers Hoda Abdel Moneim, Tarek Al-Silkawi, Ezzat Ghoneim and Mohammed Abu Horeira have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms. On 5 March 2023, the four Egyptian lawyers were sentenced to between 5

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3 March 2023

Turkey’s terror list: An attack on lawyers and human rights


A coalition of organisations has expressed concern about the arbitrary designation of lawyer Günay Dağ as a terrorist in Turkey. Dağ, a lawyer at the International Bureau of the People’s Law Office and a member of the Progressive Lawyers’ Association

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6 February 2023

Joint statement calling an end to the ongoing persecution and threats against Mexican lawyer Juan Carlos Flores Solís


Lawyers for Lawyers, joined by the Observatoire International des Avocats en Danger (OIAD), is expressing its deep concern about the harassment faced by Mr. Juan Carlos Flores Solís. Mr. Flores Solís is the primary defense lawyer in the cases brought

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3 February 2023

Intervention letters – defending lawyers and human rights. Chang Weiping & Ding Jiaxi


Together with the Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, we have written intervention letters in which we express our concerns about the arrest, detention, prosecution and torture of

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31 January 2023

Joint statement on the forced deportation of human rights lawyer Salah Hammouri

Occupied Palestinian Territory

Lawyers for Lawyers, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada are concerned about the forced deportation of Salah Hammouri. As a lawyer, Mr. Hammouri represents political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. He has been

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26 January 2023

Killing of Eswatini human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko


Lawyers for Lawyers received the shocking news that, on 21 January 2023, Eswatini human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko was shot death in his home. This killing was condemned by the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. Thulani

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