
20 July 2021

Mahienour El-Massry released from prison


Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the news that Mahienour El-Massry, a prominent human rights lawyer from Egypt, has been released from prison. On 22 September 2019, Mahienour el-Massry was arrested in front the State Security Prosecution office in Cairo, where she

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1 July 2021

Concerns about position of lawyers in Hong Kong


One year ago, on 1 July 2020, the National Security Law entered into force (NSL). Lawyers for Lawyers has been informed that legal practitioners in Hong Kong are deeply concerned about the developments surrounding the NSL.  The NSL criminalises acts

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1 July 2021

Abdulmajid Rizoev sentenced


On 14 June, 2021 the District Court of Dushanbe sentenced human rights lawyer Abdulmajid Rizoev to 5 years and 6 months’ imprisonment for “public calls for performance of an extremist activity using the mass media and Internet” under the Tajik

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26 June 2021

Joint statement on China for the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture


Lawyers for Lawyers has signed a joint statement on China for the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) entered into force on

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22 June 2021

Lawyers for Lawyers nominates Raquel Sánchez for 2021 IBA Award

Lawyers for Lawyers has nominated Raquel Sánchez for the International Bar Association Award 2021 for Outstanding Contribution by a Legal Practitioner to Human Rights. The award will be made to a legal practitioner who, through personal endeavour in the course

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17 June 2021

Fathi al-Tahir Ghayati in pre-trial detention


We have been informed that on 17 May 2021, a group of plain clothed security officers arrested Egyptian lawyer Fathi al-Tahir Ghayati, while he was visiting his family members in the city of Zagazig. After being disappeared for two days,

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17 June 2021

Concerns about deteriorating health Yu Wensheng


Yu Wensheng is a Chinese human rights lawyer who has been actively involved in politically sensitive cases against the government and who has been detained for his work as a lawyer since 2018. Lawyers for Lawyers has received worrying information

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14 June 2021

Join statement on the occasion of the first International Fair Trial Day and Ebru Timtik Award

Today, 14 June 2021, marks the inaugural International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) which will be observed for the first time worldwide. The focus country of the IFTD this year is Turkey, a country that is and has been suffering for

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5 June 2021

World Environment Day 2021

Today, the 5th of June, is World Environment Day. Worldwide this day engages governments, businesses and citizens to focus on pressing environmental issues. Lawyers for Lawyers would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the work of environmental lawyers

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4 June 2021

Lawyers from Algeria, Belarus and Myanmar shortlisted for the 2021 Award

Lawyers from Myanmar and Belarus, and a lawyers’ collective from Algeria are shortlisted as finalists for the 2021 Lawyers for Lawyers Award. The 2021 Award will be presented to the laureate during a seminar hosted by Lawyers for Lawyers and

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4 June 2021

No hearing in trial Li Yuhan


On June 4th, 1989, the People’s Liberation Army forcefully ended student protests in Tiananmen square in Beijing, China. Although the number of dead and wounded has never been officially established, estimates run into the thousands. The protests had started in

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26 May 2021

Lawyers’ Day in Tajikistan


Today is “Lawyers’ Day” in Tajikistan, when lawyers celebrate the establishment of the first Bar Association. The situation of lawyers in Tajikistan remains of concern. In connection to this, Lawyers for Lawyers recently highlighted the concerning situation in a joint

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