
2 October 2023

Prominent Thai Lawyer and Activist Arnon Nampa Sentenced to 4 Years Under Controversial Lese-Majeste Law


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) is deeply concerned about the recent developments in the case surrounding the prominent Thai activist and human rights lawyer, Arnon Nampa. On 26 September 2023, Arnon Nampa was sentenced to 4 years in prison under Thailand’s

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2 October 2023

Prominent Thai Lawyer and Activist Arnon Nampa Sentenced to 4 Years Under Controversial Lese-Majeste Law


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) is deeply concerned about the recent developments in the case surrounding the prominent Thai activist and human rights lawyer, Arnon Nampa. On 26 September 2023, Arnon Nampa was sentenced to 4 years in prison under Thailand’s

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27 September 2023

Vietnamese lawyers Dang Dinh Manh, Dao Kim Lan and Nguyen Van Mieng forced to flee their country


Laywers for Lawyers is concerned about the judicial harassment of the Vietnamese lawyers Dang Dinh Manh, Dao Kim Lan and Nguyen Van Mieng. The three lawyers were summoned by the police in the Long An province on suspicion of abusing

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21 September 2023

Oud bestuurslid Joost Italianer overleden

Foto: Gregor Servais Lawyers for Lawyers ontving het verdrietige nieuws dat Joost Italianer op 9 september 2023 na een langdurige ziekte is overleden. Joost was advocaat bij NautaDutilh, begenadigd jazzpianist en, van 2004 tot 2015, bestuurslid van Lawyers for Lawyers.

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20 September 2023

Philippine lawyer Maria Alzate killed in broad daylight


Atty. Maria Alzate, a Philippine lawyer known for defending the poor, was killed on Thursday September 14, in Abra province, in the north of the country. In broad daylight, two unidentified assassins on a motorcycle shot her at close range,

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15 September 2023

Joint Statement to the HRC on restrictions against HR Lawyers in the Russian Federation

Russian Federation

On 9 August 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers, IBAHRI, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, submitted a statement to the Human Rights Council 54th Session on the Russian Federation’s systemic restrictions and repressive actions against Human Rights Lawyers. The above-mentioned organisations expressed

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5 September 2023

Zimbabwean lawyers Tapiwa Michineripi and Doug Coltart arrested


L4L is worried about the news of Zimbabwean lawyers Tapiwa Michineripi and Doug Coltart being arrested in the evening of 4 September. The lawyers were defending their hospitalized clients, before they were arrested on suspicion of obstructing justice. Their clients,

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17 July 2023

IBAHRI and L4L Statement on the Brutal Assault of Zimbabwean Human Rights Lawyer Obey Shava


The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) wish to express their great concern for the well-being of prominent Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Obey Shava, after he was gravely assaulted near his law firm in

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9 July 2023

The 709-Crackdown, the alarming state of lawyers’ rights in China and Hong Kong, and a new wave of repression


Today, 9 July 2023, marks the 8th anniversary of a nationwide campaign using criminal laws and executive controlled courts to silence lawyers and other human rights activists through arbitrary arrests, detentions, convictions, and imprisonment. Starting on 9 July 2015 the

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4 July 2023

Interview Nihalsing Rathod: ‘Even in prison, Gadling does good things’


Indian human rights lawyer Nihalsing Rathod talks about his confrere Surendra Gadling, who has been detained since 2018. ‘He is a legend.’ ‘I am an ex-criminal,’ says lawyer Nihalsing Rathod with irony in a Zoom interview, ‘I belong to a

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22 June 2023

Joint statement on Chinese lawyer Li Heping


We are deeply concerned about the recent interception of Chinese human rights lawyer Li Heping and his family, who were prevented from leaving the country by border police at Chengdu’s Tianfu International Airport on June 9th. They were subjected to

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5 June 2023

Vacancy student-internship

On average 8 hours/wk, from 4 September 2023 Do you want to make a difference for endangered lawyers standing up for the rights of others? Do you want to learn how an NGO works and build a network with lawyers

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