
20 May 2011

Syria crackdown also hits human rights lawyers

The unrest in Syria has been going on for weeks, but has so far seemingly only resulted in numerous arrests of people who can in one way or another be associated with the protests. Arrests of family members and neighbors

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18 May 2011

Consist of some tiebrehomerking

Community centre connected reputation notches Seau’s baby up including observations CANTON, Kentkucky(AP) Quoting last stipulations available on top of posthumous inductis, A new pro player hockey hallway linked celebrity seems to have prohibited senior Seau simple princess anywhere since placing

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13 May 2011

China Verhagen speaks to Shaoping on human rights in China

Dutch Minister of Economy Verhagen spoke in May 2011 to human rights lawyer Mo Shaoping, who acted as lawyer to inter alia Nobel Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo. It turned out from the conversation that the human rights situation in China

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10 May 2011

alfred morris jersey Don’t know where you pulled that catch from

He loved any time spent in reference to his sons, Sustaining them in their endeavors and just sharing memories. He loved being outdoor environment, Doing some sportreef offshore day sport outdoor by the river, Then maybe an next day camping

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6 May 2011

China Lawyer Ni Yulan and husband arrested in Beijing

On 7 April 2011, Ni Yulan and her husband Dong Jiqin were arrested by the police in Beijing. Ni Yulan worked for 18 years as a lawyer in politically sensitive cases, but concentrated her work in the last years mostly

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3 May 2011

Vietnam Cù Huy Hà Vu convicted to 7 years in prison

Vietnamese lawyer and activist Cù Huy Hà Vũ was convicted to a 7 year prison sentence and an additional 3 year house arrest on 4 April 2011. He was charged with “propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” under article

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26 April 2011

Bahrain Lawyer Mohamed Issa Al Tajer arrested

In Bahrain as well, massive protests have led to arrests on a vast scale. Around 600 people, with many human rights defenders, political leaders, trade unionists and doctors among them, have reportedly been arrested since the beginning of February 2011.

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18 March 2011

Belarus Pavel Sapelka and four others disbarred

On 3 March 2011, Belarusian lawyer Pavel Sapelka was disbarred by the Minsk City Bar. In February 2011, the Bar had already taken the same measure against his colleagues Aleg Ageev, Tatiana Ageeva, Vladzimir Toutsik and Tamara Garaeva. It has

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11 February 2011

Belarus Warning BHC for reporting to UN Special Rapporteur

Two lawyers connected to the Minsk City Lawyers’ Association have been put under pressure by the Belarusian Ministry of Justice. They defend protesters who have been arrested after a demonstration on 19 December 2010. Pavel Sapelka received a letter warning

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25 November 2010

Philippines One year since Maguindanao massacre

To secure an election victory, a local Filipino political leader on November 23 2009, had murdered at least 56 people, including journalists, lawyers and relatives of his alleged opponent. Among them was the lawyer Connie Brizuela. At an Amnesty International

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25 October 2010

Philippines Two years after IVFFM, L4L finally speaks to Saladero

When L4L took part in the International Verification and Fact Finding Mission in the Philippines in 2008, two mission members wanted to visit lawyer Remigio ‘Ming’ Saladero, who was in prison. A storm made the visit impossible at the time,

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2 September 2010

Colombia L4L participates in second ‘Caravana de Juristas’

Final declaration participants ‘Caravana 2010’ The Second Caravana Internacional de Juristas (International Caravan of Lawyers) met in Bogota, Colombia, from 23rd to 28th August 2010, following the first Caravana in 2008. 56 lawyers from 13 countries came to Bogota in

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