
12 September 2023

Vacature programma medewerker / Vacancy program officer

Vacature programma medewerker English below Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) komt op voor bedreigde advocaten. We helpen advocaten om hun taak als beschermer van de rechtsstaat vrij en onafhankelijk te kunnen uitoefenen en zetten ons in om vervolging van advocaten te

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5 September 2023

GUATEMALA: Joint statement of 29 organisations in support of Guatemalan lawyer Claudia González, condemning her detention and calling for her immediate release

“On the morning of 28 August 2023, lawyer Claudia González was arrested, charged with the crime of abuse of authority. The arrest took place following a search of her home ordered by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, as part of the alleged

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5 September 2023

Zimbabwean lawyers Tapiwa Michineripi and Doug Coltart arrested


L4L is worried about the news of Zimbabwean lawyers Tapiwa Michineripi and Doug Coltart being arrested in the evening of 4 September. The lawyers were defending their hospitalized clients, before they were arrested on suspicion of obstructing justice. Their clients,

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31 August 2023

Arrest of Guatemalan lawyer Claudia González Orellana


On the morning of 28 August 2023, lawyer Claudia González was arrested, charged with the crime of abuse of authority. The arrest took place following a search of her home ordered by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, as part of the

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28 August 2023

Statement on the conviction of Belarusian lawyer Yuliya Yurhilevich


Yuliya Yurhilevich has practiced law for 18 years and has defended human rights activists as well as victims of politically motivated prosecutions. According to information held by the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) Yuliya Yurhilevich was

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14 August 2023

Statement on harassment against Bangladesh lawyer Shahanur Islam


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the continued harassment of Bangladeshi lawyer Shahanur Islam. Lawyers for Lawyers has strong reasons to believe Mr Islam is being targeted for his work to defend the rights of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities

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2 August 2023

NGOs Call on Governments & Lao Authorities to Ensure the Immediate Release of Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Lu Siwei


Lao authorities have reportedly arrested and detained well-known Chinese human rights lawyer Lu Siwei since 28 July 2023. We are gravely concerned that he is at serious risk of forced repatriation to China where he faces the high likelihood of

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31 July 2023

UPR Submission China & Hong Kong


On 18 July 2023, Lawyers for Lawyers jointly submitted a report for the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China, including Hong Kong. The next UPR of China will take place in January 2024. The UPR’s key concern is China’s

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31 July 2023

Ebru Timtik Award 2023 laureates


On 14 June, the Award Ceremony of the #EbruTimtikAward took place in Mexico-City which was presented to 2023 laureates Ana Yeli Pérez Garrido and Alicia de los Ríos Merino from Mexico. On International Fair Trial Day, promoted by more than

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27 July 2023

Letter to the authorities of Azerbaijan about the situation of lawyer Elchin Sadigov


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the suspension of the bar license of Mr. Elchin Sadigov as of 6 July 2023. Mr. Sadigov is a prominent lawyer at the Bar Association of Azerbaijan. As part of his work, he defended

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27 July 2023

‘Crisis of today comes from crimes of the past’


Alicia de los Ríos Merino from Mexico lost her mother as a baby and now demands the truth as a lawyer. By Trudeke Sillevis Smitt It happened in 1978. Alicia de los Ríos Merino was just a baby when her

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26 July 2023

Concerns about the heinous attack on human rights defender Aleksandr Nemov

Russian Federation

We are deeply concerned with the recent heinous attack on human rights lawyer Aleksandr Nemov, who was attacked alongside journalist Elena Milashina in Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia, on July 4, 2023. This attack is a clear manifestation of the ongoing

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