
25 August 2018

Joint letter on arrest Nasrin Sotoudeh


On 13 June 2018, lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested at her home in Tehran. She was transferred to prosecutor’s office of Evin prison. It was reported that she was informed that she will be imprisoned for five years. Lawyers for

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31 July 2018

Submission to Human Rights Committee


In July 2019, the UN Human Rights Committee will review Tadzjikistan’s compliance with its international human rights obligations, and more in particular the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Tadzjikistan. Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a

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27 July 2018

Bauyrzhan Azanov indicted


On 24 July 2018, Bauyrzhan Azanov was charged with “dissemination of false information” by the Kazakhstan authorities. These charges are allegedly related to his work as a lawyer. This was reported by the International Commission of Jurists. Bauyrzhan Azanov is

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20 July 2018

New law could undermine independence legal profession Kazakhstan


In July 2018, the Kazakhstan government adopted the new law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’. Certain parts of this law are of concern to Lawyers for Lawyers for they could undermine the independence of the legal

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20 July 2018

New law could undermine independence legal profession


In July 2018, the Kazakhstan government adopted the new law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’. Certain parts of this law are of concern to Lawyers for Lawyers for they could undermine the independence of the legal

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18 July 2018

Video interview with Ramazan Demir


Lawyers for Lawyers speaks with lawyer Ramazan Demir from Turkey about the situation of lawyers in Turkey, monitoring of trials in Turkey against lawyers who face judicial harassment because of their professional duties and Ramazan’s personal situation. Many thanks to the

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9 July 2018

Three years after the “709-crackdown”


Today, 9 July 2018, marks the third anniversary of the “709-crackdown”. On this day in 2015, an unprecedented and seemingly well-coordinated detention campaign of a large number of human rights lawyers and defenders started in China. Three years later, the

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30 June 2018

Mustafa Aydin released


On 27 June 2018, lawyer Mustafa Aydin was released from prison. One day earlier, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with five other organizations, called for the immediate release of Mustafa Aydin. Mr Aydin was arrested on 16 August 2016. Fifteen months later,

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26 June 2018

Joint statement on situation of Mustafa Aydin


<<PDF – version statement>> The undersigned organizations are very concerned about the ongoing pre-trial detention of and lack of medical treatment for Mustafa Aydin, a lawyer from Istanbul. Mr Aydin will be heard in court this Wednesday, 27 June 2018.

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20 June 2018

Nasrin Sotoudeh arrested


On 13 June 2018, lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested at her home in Tehran. She was transferred to prosecutor’s office of Evin prison. It was reported that she was informed that she will be imprisoned for five years. Nasrin Sotoudeh

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19 June 2018

Joint letter to EU ahead of 2018 EU-China Summit


In a joint letter, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with 23 other organizations, called on the European Union leaders should publicly and repeatedly demand that China release those deprived of their liberty for exercising human rights, including human rights lawyer Wang

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15 June 2018

Blog: Cry for help from lawyers


By Su Chun Lin At the invitation of Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG), I attended on behalf of Lawyers for Lawyers the annual seminar of CHRLCG that took place on 19 and 20 May 2018 in Hong Kong.

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