
22 September 2016

Submission to Human Rights Committee


In October 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee will review Azerbaijan’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a submission for this review, to inform the Committee about the situation of lawyers in Azerbaijan. In the submission,

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31 August 2016

Call on authorities to accept UPR recommendations on lawyers


During the interactive dialogue of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Tajikistan on 6 May 2016, Tajikistan received several recommendations with regard to the functioning and the role of lawyers in the country. Lawyers for Lawyers called on the authorities

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1 August 2016

Concluding observations UN Human Rights Committee


In June 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee reviewed Kazakhstan’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. The Committee has hereafter issued the concluding observations of this review. Lawyers for Lawyers welcomes the recommendation in which the Committee calls on the

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17 June 2016

Oral statement during ID with Special Rapporteur

On 16 June 2016, L4L, together with 7 other organizations, delivered a statement at the UN Human Rights Council, during the Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. The statement reads as follows:

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16 June 2016

Oral statement at UN Human Rights Council

On 16 June 2016, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) delivered a statement at the UN Human Rights Council, on judicial accountability, and attacks on lawyers. The ICJ made the statement on behalf of a group of eight NGOs, including

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15 May 2016

UPR Mid-term report

Russian Federation

In preparation of the Universal Periodic Review of the Russian Federation in 2018, Lawyers for Lawyers has written a mid-term report. In this report, we set out to which extent the Russian Federation has implemented the recommendations it accepted during

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6 May 2016

Joint letter to Special Rapporteurs on detention lawyers


Lawyers for Lawyers, together with other organizations, called on United Nations Special Rapporteurs to urge the Turkish authorities to withdraw all charges against human rights lawyers Ayşe Acinikli and Ramazan Demir, and to release them with immediate effect. The letter was

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10 April 2016

Joint UPR report


On 24 March 2016, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) and L4L submitted a joint report for the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe. In the report, the organizations highlighted that human rights defenders continue to face

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1 April 2016

Thailand-blog Pre-session: L4L asks attention for position of Thai lawyers


By Karin Monster On Wednesday, March 30th, Thailand’s human rights situation is being discussed in Geneva, during the pre-sessions in preparation for the upcoming “Universal Periodic Review” (UPR). L4L is participating in the pre-sessions and is drawing attention to Thailand’s

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18 March 2016

Legal Professionals and the UPR: Joint statement

Today, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with 6 other organizations, delivered an oral statement at the UN Human Rights Council. The organizations called upon the Council, as well as States, to ensure that the role of judges, lawyers and prosecutors receives

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23 September 2015

Saudi Arabia and China Oral statements at UN Human Rights Council

This week, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with three other organizations, delivered two oral statements during the 30th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. On 21 September 2015, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, L4L and FIDH/OMCT delivered an oral statement at

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23 September 2015

Thailand and Tajikistan Lawyers for Lawyers submits two UPR reports

On 21 September, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted two reports the Universal Periodic Review of Thailand and Tajikistan. Thailand In the report on Thailand, Lawyers for Lawyers highlighted the failure of Thailand to guarantee effective access to legal services provided by an

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