
2 January 2018

Mahienour El-Massry sentenced to two years in prison


On 30 December, lawyer Mahienour El-Massry was sentenced to two years in prison on charges related to her alleged participation in a protest against the government’s transfer of the Tiran and Sanafir islands to Saudi Arabia in June 2016. According to

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22 December 2017

Arrest and harassment of lawyer Mohamed Azmy


Lawyers for Lawyers has grave concerns about the arrest, subsequent release and judicial harassment of human rights lawyer Mohamed Azmy. In a letter to the Egyptian authorities, we expressed our concerns about Mr. Azmy. Mohamed Azmy is a human rights

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9 December 2017

Razan Zaitouneh missing for four years


Today, 9 December 2017, marks four years since the disappearance of lawyer Razan Zaitouneh. Together with her husband and two colleagues, Razan Zaitouneh disappeared on 9 December 2013 in Douma, after a group of armed men stormed the office of the Violations Documentation Center.

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6 December 2017

Human rights lawyer Mahienour El Massry arrested


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) have grave concerns about the detention of human rights lawyer Mahienour El-Massry. In a joint letter to the Egyptian authorities, L4L and LRWC called for the immediate release of Mahienour

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30 November 2017

Lawyer Firmin Yangambi still imprisoned

Democratic Republic of Congo

Lawyers for Lawyers called on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to immediately release human rights lawyer Firmin Yangambi. Mr. Yangambi has been imprisoned since September 2009 and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by a

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27 November 2017

Saudi Arabia Joint letter on Waleed Abu al-Khair

Saudi Arabia

Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) called on the authorities of Saudi Arabia to immediately release lawyer Waleed Abu al – Khair. Waleed Abu al – Khair was sentenced to

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22 November 2017

Lawyer Li Yuhan arrested


On October 9, the 60-year-old Chinese human rights lawyer Li Yuhan disappeared. Li Yuhan informed her brother that day that the police took her to the Heping Sub-division of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau. Later it became known that

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8 November 2017

Joint letter to APEC leaders


On 11 and 12 November, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ meeting will take place in Da Nang, Vietnam. Prior to the meeting, a coalition of organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, asked the attention of the APEC Leaders to the worsening

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16 October 2017

Joint statement: stop the crackdown


A coalition of Vietnamese and international human rights organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, called on the Vietnamese authorities to stop the crackdown against peaceful expression in the country. Vietnam is in the midst of an unprecedented political crackdown against peaceful expression.

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4 October 2017

Lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov arrested two years ago


Lawyers for Lawyers has grave concerns about the situation of lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov. Two years ago, on 28 September 2015, Yorov was arrested. Since then he has been imprisoned. Recently, Yorov’s family members have reported that he allegedly is being

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27 September 2017

Arrest of lawyer Ibrahim Metwally


L4L has grave concerns about the abduction and incommunicado detention of Mr. Ibrahim Metwally Hegazy, human rights lawyer, Co-founder and Coordinator of the Association of the Families of the Disappeared in Egypt. L4L has sent a letter to the Egyptian

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18 September 2017

Lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor-Balla released


Lawyer Nkongho Felix Agbor-Balla from Cameroon was released on 31 August 2017. A presidential decree of 30 August 2017, read on national public radio and television,  ordered to drop all charges against the lawyer. A day later, the Military Tribunal of Yaounde confirmed

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