
2 January 2019


The closing date for submission of nominations is 1 March 2019, 11:59 PM CET. Lawyers for Lawyers wishes you all the best for 2019! This will be a special year for Lawyers for Lawyers, with the first lustrum edition of the Lawyers for

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27 December 2018

Trial against Wang Quanzhang


The trial against human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang started on 26 December 2018, the day after Christmas day. At the end of the day, the official website of the No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court of Tianjin posted a short announcement

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15 December 2018

Lawyer Mikhail Benyash indicted

Russian Federation

On 12 december 2018, lawyer Mikhail Benyash has been indicted. He is being charged with the ‘the use of violence against a representative of the authority not dangerous to health’ under article 318(1) of the Russian Criminal Code and faces

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13 December 2018

Trial against lawyer Can Tombul


On 12 December, Lawyers for Lawyers, Fair Trial Watch, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, the European Democratic Lawyers and the Human Rights Committee of the Norwegian Bar Association called on the authorities of Turkey to immediately release lawyer Can Tombul.  Can

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10 December 2018

Joint petition letter – Wang Quanzhang


In a petition letter addressed to the Chinese authorities on the day of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and at the initiative of the Human Rights Commission of the Geneva Bar Association, 20 lawyer’s associations

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9 December 2018

Five years since disappearance Razan Zaitouneh


Today, 9 December 2018, marks five years since the disappearance of lawyer Razan Zaitouneh. Together with her husband and two colleagues, Razan Zaitouneh disappeared on 9 December 2013 in Douma, after a group of armed men stormed the office of the Violations Documentation Center.

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8 December 2018

Emil Kurbedinov sentenced to administrative detention

On 7 December 2018, human rights lawyer Emil Kurbedinov was sentenced to 5 days of administrative detention by the Kievsky district court of Simferopol. He was charged with “propagandising for extremist organisations” in relation to a 2013 social media post.

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6 December 2018

Joint letter on behalf of lawyer Daniel Prado


In a joint letter, 11 organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, expressed concerns about the threats against Colombian lawyer Daniel Prado. In November, member of Lawyers for Lawyers’ Latin America focus group met with Daniel Prado in Amsterdam (picture). Mr

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4 December 2018

L4L and FTW observe hearing lawyers Ezilenlerin Hukuk Bürosu


On 29 November 2018 representatives of Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), Fair Trial Watch (FTW) and lawyers from Switzerland and the Netherlands observed the second hearing in the trial against lawyers Sezin Uçar, Őzlem Gümüstas and Gülhan Kaya of Ezilenlerin Hukuk

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4 December 2018

Threats against lawyer Daniel Prado


The Law Society of England & Wales, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers, the Bar Council of England & Wales, and the Bar Human Rights Committee have expressedtheir concerns about serious threats made against the lawyer Daniel Prado in Colombia.

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26 November 2018

Atty. Benjamin Ramos shot and killed


On 6 November 2018, Atty Benjamin Ramos from the Philippines was shot and killed by two unidentified men. He was 56 years old. Lawyers for Lawyers has reason to believe that the killing of Atty. Ramos is connected to his legitimate

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25 November 2018

Conditional release of lawyer Soltani


On 21 November 2018 prominent human rights lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani was conditionally released by Court order. This was reported by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. Abdolfattah Soltani is a prominent human rights lawyer, and was spokesman for

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