
1 February 2021

Concerns about Aytaç Ünsal


On December 10, 2020 the “postponement of execution” decision issued by the Court of Cassation on Aytaç Ünsal was lifted by the Istanbul Prosecutor General’s Office, leading to the placement of Aytaç Ünsal in Edirne F-Type closed prison. According to

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29 January 2021

Prosecution of Gonzalo Boye


In January 2021, a Spanish criminal court announced that Spanish lawyer Gonzalo Boye will be prosecuted for alleged charges of money laundering and forgery. Mr Boye is the lawyer of former Catalan president Puigdemont, who currently lives in exile in

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22 January 2021

Petition on Azerbaijan – Day of the Endangered Lawyer

Lawyers for Lawyers has co-signed a petition in support of the 11th Day of the Endangered Lawyer, which focuses on the situation for lawyers in Azerbaijan. The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is commemorated each year on 24 January. On

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21 January 2021

Concerns about suspension licenses Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the revocation of the licenses of two lawyers from China. Both lawyers represented one of the 12 Hong Kong human rights activists who were caught at sea while trying to flee to Taiwan. Lu

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21 January 2021

Joint petition letter on Yu Wensheng


In a petition letter adressed to the Chinese authorities, lawyers’ organisations and legal professionals from all over the world, including Lawyers for Lawyers, express concern about Yu Wensheng’s scheduled transfer to prison in Jiangsu and his health condition. Human rights

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17 December 2020

Hejaaz Hizbullah granted confidential access to counsel


According to information we have received, a Sri Lankan Attorney General has agreed to grant detained human rights lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah confidential access to his lawyers for the first time since his arrest on 14 April 2020. Mr. Hizbullah was

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15 December 2020

Order barring Beatrice Mtetwa from handling a case overturned


On 17 August 2020, lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa was disqualified from representing her client journalist Hopewell Chin’ono by a Zimbabwean Magistrate. This attracted global concerns. Today, on the 15th of December, there has been a very welcome development in the case. In their application

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10 December 2020

Joint statement Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken

United Arab Emirates

On International Human Rights Day, Lawyers for Lawyers alongside the International Center for Justice and Human Rights (ICJHR) and 7 other signatories, called on the UAE authorities to immediately release and human rights lawyer and defender Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken. Eight

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9 December 2020

Seven years since disappearance Razan Zaitouneh


Today, 9 December 2018, marks seven years since the disappearance of lawyer Razan Zaitouneh. Together with her husband and two colleagues, Razan Zaitouneh disappeared on 9 December 2013 in Douma, after a group of armed men stormed the office of

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7 December 2020

Silver lining for LGBT+ community in Uganda

Last week Lawyers for Lawyers joined forces with its partner NautaDutilh in a webinar on LGBT+ rights in Uganda. Boudewijn Smit and Else Bavinck, both associate at NautaDutilh, had the honor to interview human rights lawyer and LGBT+ rights defender,

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7 December 2020

In Profiel: advocate Else Bavinck

Else Bavinck kwam met Lawyers for Lawyers in aanraking tijdens haar beroepsopleiding tot advocaat bij NautaDutilh. Toenmalig bestuurslid Harald Wiersema enthousiasmeerde haar in Woudschoten tot het worden van vrijwilliger bij Lawyers for Lawyers. Mensenrechten en het waarborgen van eerlijke rechtsspraak

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4 December 2020

Training “The legal and ethical framework for lawyers in the Netherlands”


On 4 December 2020, Lawyers for Lawyers provided an online training course on “The legal and ethical framework for lawyers in the Netherlands” to a group of lawyers from Kyrgyzstan.  The training offered the Kyrgyz lawyers the opportunity to learn

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