
22 December 2015

Nguyen Van Dai attacked and arrested


Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers Rights’ Watch Canada (LRWC) are concerned about the physical attack on, and the arrest of human rights lawyer Nguyen Van Dai. We have reason to believe that he was targeted in connection to his legitimate

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9 December 2015

Human Rights Day: Join Lawyers for Lawyers’s campaigns!

Saudi Arabia

On 10 December – Human Rights Day- people from all over the world will write letters. For those who are in prison, who are tortured or who are threatened. Among them are many lawyers that Lawyers for Lawyers is campaigning for.

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3 December 2015

Lawyers threatened and placed on ‘hit list’


Six lawyers, who act on behalf of 23 soldiers suspected of plotting a coup, have been harassed both inside and outside the courtroom by the army, the Lesotho Defence Forces (LDF). According to our information, members of the LDF have

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2 December 2015

Obituary for Tahir Elçi


Today Lawyers for Lawyers, together with 35 organizations and lawyers, put two obituaries (click here, and here) in two Turkish newspapers in honor of lawyer Tahir Elçi. Elçi was shot in the head in broad daylight last Saturday, immediately after a press

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29 November 2015

Lawyer Tahir Elçi shot dead


Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Fair Trial Watch (FTW) are deeply shocked by the death of their colleague,  lawyer Tahir Elçi, President of the Bar Association of Diyarbakir in southeast Turkey. Elci was shot in the head in broad daylight on

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27 November 2015

Human rights lawyers Tran Thu Nam and Le Luan attacked


On 3 November 2015, human rights lawyers Mr Tran Thu Nam and Mr Le Luan were attacked and beaten by eight masked men. Lawyers for Lawyers has reason to believe that Tran Thu Nam and Le Luan were targeted in connection

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27 November 2015

Waleed Abu al-Khair awarded with Ludovic Trarieux prize

Saudi Arabia

Today, human rights lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair will be awarded with the Ludovic Trarieux Prize. As Abu al-Khair is currently serving a prison sentence of 15 years, his lawyer Daniel Arshack will accept the prize on his behalf. Waleed Abu

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4 November 2015

Detention conditions Mahienour el-Massry deteriorate


Lawyers for Lawyers expresses its concern over the reported deterioration of the detention conditions of human rights lawyer Mahienour el-Massry in the Damanhour prison in Egypt. On 31 May 2015, El-Massry was convicted by the Court of Appeal in Raml

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4 November 2015

Trial against human rights lawyer Khin Khin Kyaw


On October 14, a hearing took place in a case brought against lawyer Khin Khin Kyaw. This was reported by Frontline Defenders on their website. Khin Khin Kyaw is a human rights lawyer and a member of a legal team

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4 November 2015

Human rights lawyer arrested


On 4 November 2015, Lawyers for Lawyers sent letters to the authorities of Tajikistan to raise concerns about the arrest and detention of lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov. We have reason to believe that his arrest is connected to his legitimate activities as

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23 October 2015

President Diyarbakir Bar arrested for comments in TV interview


In an open letter, Lawyers for Lawyers, together with Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and Fair Trial Watch express their grave concern over the investigation faced by their colleague atty Tahir Elçi, a prominent human rights lawyer and president of the

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17 October 2015

Harassment against human rights lawyers


On 6 October 2015, the local Bar Association of Bastar, India, passed a resolution prohibiting any lawyer who is not registered with the local Bar Counsel from practicing in the Jagdalpur Courts. This news has been reported by Frontline Defenders

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