
1 June 2015

Azza Soliman acquitted


On 23 May 2015, lawyer Azza Soliman was acquitted by the Qasr al-Nile Court. Less than three days later, the Qasr al-Nile Prosecution appealed the acquittal. The appeal will be heard on 13 June 2015. Azza Soliman voluntarily went to

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26 May 2015

Call to restore confidence in judiciary


The situation of Egyptian lawyers is quickly deteriorating. Lawyers are faced with arrests, prosecution and police violence that has even led to the deaths of two lawyers, while they were being held in police custody. In their efforts to address

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15 May 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers monitors hearings in Istanbul


This week Lawyers for Lawyers observed two hearings in the cases in which a large number of lawyers are being prosecuted. One of the hearings was adjourned to October 2015. Lawyers for Lawyers monitored two hearings in the trials against

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14 May 2015

Situation of lawyers quickly deteriorating


The situation of Egyptian lawyers is quickly deteriorating. Lawyers are faced with arrests, prosecution and police violence that has even led to the deaths of two lawyers, while they were being held in police custody. The International Commission of Jurists

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12 May 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers Seminar

L4L invites you to the seminar: “Lawyers are not their clients” + Presentation of the L4L-Award 2015 It is the 25th anniversary of the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers and L4L is organizing the seminar ‘Lawyers are not

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7 May 2015

IBAHRI urgently calls on government to review sentencing of Intigam Aliyev


Lawyers for Lawyers fully supports the call of the  International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) on the Government of Azerbaijan to review the sentencing of human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev. On April 22, 2015, the Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced

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1 May 2015

Lawyers for Lawyers Award for Jorge Molano!


Jorge Molano, a Colombian Human Rights Lawyer and member of DHColombia, is selected to receive the Lawyers for Lawyers Award 2015. An expert jury selected Molano because of his “immense personal courage and stamina” and to “draw attention to the

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28 April 2015

Renewed call for release of ‘Duma Four’ on birthday of Razan Zaitouneh


To mark the 38th birthday of missing human rights defender and lawyer Razan Zaitouneh, 70 organizations, including Lawyers for Lawyers, today reiterate their call for her immediate release, as well as that of her missing colleagues Samira Khalil, Nazem Hamadi

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28 April 2015

Authorities try to initiate criminal case against lawyer

Russian Federation

Despite the call from the United Nations Human Rights Committee for Russia to comply with its human rights obligations, lawyers in the Russian Federation increasingly face improper interference. Lawyers for Lawyers was informed that the Ministry of Justice is trying to

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24 April 2015

Intigam Aliyev sentenced to 7,5 years in jail


On April 22, 2015, the Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced Intigam Aliyev to seven-and-a-half year imprisonment on charges of “tax evasion”, “abuse of authority”, “illegal entrepreneurship”, and “appropriation”. Aliyev denies all the charges and says they are politically motivated. Aliyev

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17 April 2015

Lawyer at risk of suspension after criticizing Supreme Court decision


Human rights lawyer Julia Cabello Alonso faces a possible one-year suspension from practicing law or disqualification from the Paraguay Bar Association for her outspoken activism in defense of indigenous communities in Paraguay. This was reported by Frontline Defenders on their

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15 April 2015

1 year since arrest Abu al-Khair: petition to WGAD

Saudi Arabia

Today Lawyers for Lawyers, together with six other human rights organizations, issued a joint press release to mark the fact that human rights lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair was arrested one year ago and has since been in prison. Furthermore, on

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