
8 June 2022

Research paper on ‘reasonable time’

Over the last couple of years, Lawyers for Lawyers has observed multiple lengthy criminal investigations into lawyers, resulting in continued pressure on these lawyers. Some cases are not brought before a court, creating an uncertain situation for these lawyers. Lawyers

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4 June 2022

Hong Kong: barrister arrested after commemorating Tiananmen Square protests


Today on June 4th is the commemoration of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in China. Over the years many who have tried to commemorate the massacre in China and Hong Kong have been suppressed, including lawyers. Among the more recent

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2 June 2022

Lawyers in Haïti at risk

In May, Lawyers for Lawyers met with lawyers from Haïti, where the judicial system is disintegrated and lawyers are threatened and killed. Une traduction française de cet article est disponible ici. Gangs call the shots ‘In Haiti, armed gangs rule

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1 June 2022

Sirikan Charoensiri: “Our gender, appearance and costume are not what define our abilities”


Lawyers for Lawyers presents the “Highlighting the Work of Female Lawyers from Asia” interview series. This series highlights the important work of inspiring female lawyers from Asia. We address the general challenges these lawyers face as women in the male

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26 May 2022

Lawyers Day Tajikistan


Today, Lawyers Day, marks the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the first Tajik Bar Association. However, the situation of lawyers in Tajikistan remains concerning and, on what should be a day of celebration, Lawyers for Lawyers would like to

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25 May 2022

Video message from the Vice-President of the Ukrainian National Bar Association


Lawyers for Lawyers and the Amsterdam Bar Association organised a seminar on ‘Environmental Justice and the Work of Environmental Lawyers’ on 19 May 2022. We wanted to make use of the opportunity to address the ongoing war in Ukraine from

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24 May 2022

Joint statement: Qatari lawyers sentenced to life imprisonment


In a joint statement, Lawyers for Lawyers expresses grave concern about the sentencing to life imprisonment of Qatari lawyers Hazza bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri and Rashed bin Ali Abu Shurayda al-Marri by the Second Circuit Criminal Court of Qatar

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23 May 2022

Abderrazak Kilani convicted to a one-month suspended prison sentence


On 19 May 2022, Abderrazak Kilani, lawyer and former president of the Tunisian Bar Association, was convicted to a one month suspended prison sentence by the Tunis Permanent Military Court of First Instance for “insulting a public official in the

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10 May 2022

Letter on the arrest, detention and prosecution of Abderrazak Kilani


In a joint letter Lawyers for Lawyers, the Law Society of England and Wales, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada express grave concern  about the arrest, detention and prosecution before a military tribunal of Abderrazak

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9 May 2022

Lawyers for Lawyers nominates Can Atalay for the International Hrant Dink Award


Lawyers for Lawyers is proud to support the nomination of Can Atalay for the International Hrant Dink Award. Annually, this award is presented to individuals, organisations and groups that give inspiration and hope to people for holding on to their

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3 May 2022

Submission to UN Human Rights Committee – Uganda


In November 2020, Uganda submitted its second report on its implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). At its upcoming 135th session, the United Nations Human Rights Committee will adopt a list of issues on Uganda.

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22 April 2022

Lawyers Day in Syria: Khalil Ma’touq and Razan Zaitouneh remain missing


Today is Lawyers Day in Syria, a day that is celebrated by lawyers from Syria. On this day, we would like to highlight the cases of disappeared lawyers Khalil Ma’touq and Razan Zaitouneh from Syria. Khalil Ma’touq Khalil Ma’touq, director

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