
10 December 2018

Joint petition letter – Wang Quanzhang


In a petition letter addressed to the Chinese authorities on the day of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and at the initiative of the Human Rights Commission of the Geneva Bar Association, 20 lawyer’s associations

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6 December 2018

Joint letter on behalf of lawyer Daniel Prado


In a joint letter, 11 organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, expressed concerns about the threats against Colombian lawyer Daniel Prado. In November, member of Lawyers for Lawyers’ Latin America focus group met with Daniel Prado in Amsterdam (picture). Mr

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4 December 2018

Threats against lawyer Daniel Prado


The Law Society of England & Wales, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers, the Bar Council of England & Wales, and the Bar Human Rights Committee have expressedtheir concerns about serious threats made against the lawyer Daniel Prado in Colombia.

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26 November 2018

Atty. Benjamin Ramos shot and killed


On 6 November 2018, Atty Benjamin Ramos from the Philippines was shot and killed by two unidentified men. He was 56 years old. Lawyers for Lawyers has reason to believe that the killing of Atty. Ramos is connected to his legitimate

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30 October 2018

Tajikistan: arrest and detention of lawyers


Together with the Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, Lawyers for Lawyers sent a letter to authorities in Tajikistan. The letter focuses on the arrest and detention of lawyers in that country, specifically those who

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25 October 2018

Arrest of lawyer Mikhail Benyash

Russian Federation

On 9 September 2018, lawyer Mikhail Benyash was arrested after going to the city of Krasnodar to provide legal assistance to participants in a peaceful rally against pension reforms. The court ordered his release on bail on 23 October. The

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7 June 2018

Suppression of human rights lawyers


Together with other organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers called on the Chinese authorities to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all the decisions about revoking and invalidating lawyers’ licenses and to stop all forms of harassment, intimidation and repression against human rights lawyers

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6 June 2018

Haytham Mohamadeen arrested


On 15th May 2018, Egyptian lawyer Mr. Haytham Mohamadeen was arrested on charges of “aiding a terrorist organization to achieve its goals” and  “calling for illegal protests.” Lawyers for Lawyers fears that the arrest of Haytham Mohamadeen might be connected to his legitimate

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5 June 2018

Open Letter to Reject the EU-Vietnam FTA


A coalition of in total 90 Vietnamese and international human rights organizations, Lawyers for Lawyers amongst them, called on the European Union (EU) to reject the pending EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. Vietnam is in the midst of an unprecedented political crackdown

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30 March 2018

Lawyer El Bouchtaoui convicted


Lawyers for Lawyers and The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) have written a joint letter to the Prime Minister of Morocco regarding the recent conviction of Moroccan lawyer Abdessadeq El Bouchtaoui. On 8 February, he was

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27 February 2018

Call on States to hold China accountable at Council


In a private letter sent to select UN member states, nearly 20 human rights organisations called for clear and concrete actions to denounce China’s current rollback in respect for human rights at the UN Human Rights Council, which opens its

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19 February 2018

Investigation attack on Alldo Felix Januardy


On 28 January 2018, Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) expressed their concern about the termination of the investigation of the physical attack on Indonesian lawyer Alldo Fellix Januardy, in a support letter to the South Jakarta District Court, Indonesia.

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