
23 March 2021

Attacks and harassment of Raquel Sánchez


Lawyers for Lawyers is deeply concerned about the safety of Raquel Sánchez, a Venezuelan lawyer, woman human rights defender and coordinator of the Venezuelan NGO Foro Penal, Táchira, a non-governmental organization that provides legal assistance to arbitrarily detained persons in

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18 March 2021

Joint letter on the revocation of license to practice law of five lawyers


In a joint letter Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society of England and Wales express concern about the revocation of the licenses to practise law of five Belarus lawyers who have been providing legal services to, among others, detained protestors

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17 March 2021

Statement on the situation of lawyers in Myanmar


Lawyers for Lawyers is deeply concerned about the current situation in Myanmar, including the situation of lawyers. According to our information, following the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February 2021, more than 2,100[1] people have been arbitrarily arrested, charged

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17 March 2021

Joint letter on the imprisonment of Hoda Amid


In a joint letter Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) express concern about the imprisonment of the Iranian lawyer and women’s rights defender Hoda Amid. Hoda Amid has played a prominent role in educating Iranian women about

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16 March 2021

Red-tagged Philippine human rights lawyer stabbed in the head with screwdriver


On the night of Wednesday 3 March 2021, Philippine human rights lawyer Angelo Karlo Guillen became a victim of a near-fatal stabbing. Guillen represents Philippine activists and human rights defenders in court and is the Assistant Vice President of the

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15 March 2021

In Profiel: advocaat Jaap Koster

Jaap Koster is na een bloemrijke carrière in de advocatuur bij Houthoff en Clifford Chance momenteel consultant bij het laatstgenoemde kantoor. De uren die hierdoor vrijkwamen werden al snel gevuld met vrijwilligerswerk bij Lawyers for Lawyers, bestuurlijke nevenfuncties binnen de

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15 March 2021

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on Egypt


The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) in cooperation with Lawyers for Lawyers and a large number of NGOs from around the world, delivered an oral statement during the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council. In the

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15 March 2021

Concerning circumstances for lawyers in Russia

Russian Federation

After the arrest of Russian opposition leader Aleksej Navalny at the Sheremetyevo airport and his ensuing detention, hundreds of thousands of people participated in January in peaceful protests throughout all of Russia. Reports state that thousands of protesters were arrested

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12 March 2021

17 years since disappearance Somchai Neelapaijit


Seventeen years ago, Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit disappeared and he is currently still missing. Until now, no perpetrators have been held accountable for his disappearance. Somchai disappeared on 12 March 2004, one day after he had publicly accused

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10 March 2021

Joint oral statement during ID with the SR on the Islamic Republic of Iran


The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (the IBAHRI), the International Commission of Jurists (the ICJ), Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, The Law Society of England and Wales, and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue with

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10 March 2021

Joint statement on the repression of lawyers in Belarus


Lawyers for Lawyers has signed a joint statement, alongside 42 other signatories, expressing concern about the ongoing persecution and intimidation of lawyers in Belarus. The statement is an initiative from the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The statement reads as

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8 March 2021

Joint oral statement during ID with SR on protection human rights while countering terrorism


Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada and Lawyers for Lawyers delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, on the overbroad anti-terrorism laws used to

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