
15 February 2021

True Heroes Film releases a gateway to human rights awards and their laureates

In February, True Heroes Film has released a gateway to human rights awards and their laureates: The Digest of Human Rights Awards. The Digest is a new free online tool that gives everybody access to information on human rights awards,

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12 February 2021

Chinese New Year: a grim outlook for the situation of human rights lawyers in the Year of the Ox


Today marks the start of the Chinese New Year and the start of the Spring Festival. The Year of the Ox, associated with honesty, earnestness and selflessness, seems unlikely to bring good news for human rights lawyers and activists that

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8 February 2021

Lawyers for Lawyers launches podcast highlighting the work of female lawyers

Lawyers for Lawyers presents the podcast series ‘5 Weeks of Empowerment: Highlighting the Work of Female Lawyers’. In the run-up to 8 March 2021, International Women’s Day, Lawyers for Lawyers will highlight the important work of inspiring female lawyers in

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5 February 2021

Joint letter on the arrest and detention of Leanid Sudalenka


In a joint letter Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society for England and Wales express concern about the arrest and detention of Belarusian lawyer Leanid Sudalenka. On 5 January 2021, the offices of Leanid Sudalenka, the Chairman of the

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1 February 2021

Concerns about Aytaç Ünsal


On December 10, 2020 the “postponement of execution” decision issued by the Court of Cassation on Aytaç Ünsal was lifted by the Istanbul Prosecutor General’s Office, leading to the placement of Aytaç Ünsal in Edirne F-Type closed prison. According to

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29 January 2021

Prosecution of Gonzalo Boye


In January 2021, a Spanish criminal court announced that Spanish lawyer Gonzalo Boye will be prosecuted for alleged charges of money laundering and forgery. Mr Boye is the lawyer of former Catalan president Puigdemont, who currently lives in exile in

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26 January 2021

Joint statement on the charges against Nicholas Opiyo


Lawyers for Lawyers and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) condemn the spurious charges under the Anti-Money Laundering brought against Ugandan lawyer and human rights defender Nicholas Opiyo and call for them to be dropped. The organizations consider that this

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22 January 2021

Petition on Azerbaijan – Day of the Endangered Lawyer

Lawyers for Lawyers has co-signed a petition in support of the 11th Day of the Endangered Lawyer, which focuses on the situation for lawyers in Azerbaijan. The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is commemorated each year on 24 January. On

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22 January 2021

International online discussion: the work of lawyers in Crimea and Russia. Who will defend the defenders?

The professional activities of lawyers in the occupied Crimea and Russia are associated with severe risks. Lawyers undergo pressure, intimidation and threats due to their professional activities — especially when dealing with sensitive political cases. These risks and pressures take

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21 January 2021

Concerns about suspension licenses Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the revocation of the licenses of two lawyers from China. Both lawyers represented one of the 12 Hong Kong human rights activists who were caught at sea while trying to flee to Taiwan. Lu

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21 January 2021

Joint petition letter on Yu Wensheng


In a petition letter adressed to the Chinese authorities, lawyers’ organisations and legal professionals from all over the world, including Lawyers for Lawyers, express concern about Yu Wensheng’s scheduled transfer to prison in Jiangsu and his health condition. Human rights

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14 January 2021

Advocacy charter Nepal


Lawyers for Lawyers submitted an advocacy charter to several country delegations to draw attention to the situation of lawyers in Nepal with regard to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Nepal. In July 2020, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for

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