
28 February 2019

Request disbarment Emil Kurbedinov denied

On 22 February 2019 the Crimean Bar Association decided against the request of the Crimean Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to disbar Emil Kurbedinov, thereby maintaining his membership. This was reported by Frontline Defenders. Emil

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28 February 2019

Alec Muchadehama will attend presentation fifth award


,,Protected by being in the spotlight of human rights monitoring organizations such as Lawyers for Lawyers’’ text: Johan van Uffelen Eight years after receiving the Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) Award, Zimbabwean lawyer Alec Muchadehama is still steadfast in his work. Also during the

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23 February 2019

‘Rule of law more than ever under pressure’


Award-winner Sirikan Charoensiri calls for nominations: “Awareness of the importance of defending human rights, the rule of law and democracy has increased  significantly among lawyers, legal practitioners and law students in Thailand since I received the Lawyers for Lawyers (‘L4L’)

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7 February 2019

Joint letter – release Wang Quanzhang


In a joint letter, the International Association of Lawyers (UIA), the Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers for Lawyers, the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada expressed concerns about the recent conviction and sentencing of

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6 February 2019

Submission to Human Rights Committee


In March 2019, the UN Human Rights Committee will review Viet Nam’s compliance with its international human rights obligations, and more in particular the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Viet Nam. Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a joint submission with

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31 January 2019

Wang Quanzhang sentenced to 4,5 years in prison


On 28 January 2019, the Tianjin Municipal No.2 Intermediate People’s Court found prominent human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang guilty of “subversion of state power” and sentenced him to 4 years and 6 months in prison and 5-year deprivation of political

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31 January 2019

L4L joins call for UN action on China


In an open letter sent to heads of government missions to the United Nations in Geneva, Lawyers for Lawyers joined 39 other NGOs to press for a UN resolution to address the deteriorating human rights situation in China. The NGOs

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30 January 2019

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2019


In honor of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer on 24 January 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers organized three seminars focusing on the extremely difficult situation of lawyers in Turkey. In this way we expressed our support for ‘endangered’ colleagues in Turkey.

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24 January 2019

Day of the Endangered Lawyer Turkey: Joint statement


Lawyers for Lawyers has joined ten other Bar Associations, Law Societies and Legal Organisations in a joint declaration concerning the breakdown of the rule of law and serious threats against the independence of Judges, Lawyers, and Prosecutors in Turkey. The declaration

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13 January 2019

Imminent disbarment of Emil Kurbedinov

On 10 January 2019, human rights lawyer Emil Kurbedinov received a letter from the Crimean Directorate of the Ministry of Justice informing him he will be disbarred based on his two previous convictions for administrative offences. This was reported by Frontline

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8 January 2019

Survey of working conditions lawyers


In June 2018 Lawyers for Lawyers in collaboration with Justice International conducted a survey in Kyrgyzstan among lawyers to determine the most pressing issues faced by advocates and lawyers as a result of their professional activities. A report of this

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6 January 2019

Arrest of lawyer Mohamed Ramadan


Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the arrest and detention of human rights lawyer Mohamed Ramadan from Egypt. On 2 January 2019, we called upon the Egyptian authorities to immediately release Mohamed Ramadan and drop all the charges against him.

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